Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Overcoming the voice of the inner critic, through the power of your inner mind
What is imposter syndrome?
Do you have an inner critic that tells you you’re not good enough, smart enough or experienced enough or that you'll be found out as a fraud any time soon? Do you worry about not living up to the expectations of others, disbelieving and brushing off the praise you receive, holding yourself to unachievably high standards or feeling that your hard-earned expertise just isn't enough? Or perhaps you feel that you are your own worst enemy? Not quite achieving the potential that everyone else sees in you? Holding yourself back from your own success?
If so, like 70% of us (mostly women), you might be experiencing imposter syndrome. It typically impacts capable, rational, intelligent people who everyone else usually views as successes. People like Michelle Obama, who doubts her abilities, David Bowie, who felt 'utterly inadequate' or Albert Einstein, who considered himself an 'involuntary swindler' when thinking about his life's work. In fact, the higher up the corporate ladder you go, the more common it is. CEO’s apparently name it is as their #1 fear.
What causes imposter syndrome?
The causes of imposter syndrome can be many and varied. For some, it's a case of just not noticing who they've become over time, by not internalizing or celebrating their achievements. For others, childhood experiences may have set up mistaken beliefs about not being enough to have needs met or being rejected for being authentically themselves. Many of us judge others by the successes we observe in them, but ourselves through the lens of our internal worries and fears, creating incomparable standards. And of course parental or family expectations can play a big role in setting unrealistic or fearful mindsets.
Organisations cultures can also perpetuate imposter syndrome, especially those which feel competitive or pyschologically unsafe, where it's not safe to fail or show vulnerability. Insufficient focus on working to strengths can create an unbalanced focus on weakness and the potential for rejection. And constant reorganisations and rapid promotions of leaders with assumed competence and insufficient training, support or coaching, can also be a contributing factor.

How can you fix imposter syndrome?
There are of course many therapies that can help you delve into the reasons why your imposter syndrome exists. If you've ever tried to fix it yourself you'll know that overcoming it consciously doesn't always work so well. If you could think your way out of it, you would have done so by now. And the fact that you haven't, probably just adds it as another burden on your already growing Life ToDo list.
But the fact that imposter syndrome seems most common amongst driven, capable, intelligent people should give you a clue about the main underlying cause. That it’s a mind trap. A story that you tell yourself. An incorrect inner belief caused somewhere along life's travels. And the good news about that, is that we can deal with mind traps. Inner beliefs can be changed.
Using the power of your inner mind can help you to begin to challenge and change your narrative about yourself. Using your imagination as a rehearsal room offers opportunities to mentally role play new ways of being or new situations that aren't familiar to you. Each of these can start the process of settling down your opinionated internal critic. If you're having a challenging time at work, maybe all you want is to simply quieten that voice down for a while. Whilst exploring your inner mind may not be the total solution for imposter syndrome, it may provide just enough inner peace and stillness to help you complete that project or take on that promotion!
Options to help with imposter syndrome
Booked a free 30-min call to discuss your aims and the following options:
Small-group Zoom Workshops
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Visualization Workshop: Effortlessly address the nagging voice of your inner critic in this small-group guided visualization workshop, by mentally celebrating your achievements and reconnecting with the inherant goodness and qualities of your younger and older selves. A relaxing and nourishing guided inner journey, to change the story of yourself within your inner mind
No Sweat Presenting: Fear Reduction Visualization Workshop: Effortlessly overcome the fear or dread of presenting or speaking in meetings, through a combination of evidence-based systematic desensitization techniques plus vivid visualization and suggestion. Simply imagine along with the visualization provided. It couldn’t be easier -
No Sweat Presenting: Structure It (Making your point)
No Sweat Presenting: Say It (Finding your voice)
No Sweat Presenting: Express It (Managing your body language & props)
No Sweat Presenting: Answer It (Dealing with the audience)
Individual/1:1 Sessions
Hypnotherapy: Gentle, relaxing or desensitization session to upgrade your automatic reactions or thoughts
Current life regression/inner child: Reframe old (or recent) memories to remove the ouch from them, replacing them with a sense of neutrality or even indifference
Parts therapy: Remove any inner conflict and replace it with a more aligned and integrated mindset, more supportive of your goals and happiness
Agnostic therapeutic past life regression: Use your inner mind to give you an immerisve past life experience with relavant meanings for your current issues. Think VR but just with your eyes shut. If you’re willing to try it and approach it with curiosity, you may discover it’s a deeply meaningful and profound experience, often with a far-reaching impact
2-3 sessions are recommended, but even a single individual session or group workshop may be helpful. Sessions are available in-person in Clare, Suffolk, UK and virtually on Zoom, with availability to suit global time zones.
What is your legal disclaimer?Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that helps you access your own inner resources, assisting you to resolve problems, increase motivation or alter behaviour patterns, to create positive change. Services such as Regression and Parts Therapy may involve you going into deeper or buried memories that could bring emotions to the surface. The truth of any memories that may come to your conscious awareness as a result of the sessions is for you to decide. Debbie Jeremiah works to UK standards set through voluntary regulation in the hypnotherapy and regression profession itself and not by any country or state licensing requirements. She does not practice psychotherapy or medicine. None of the services offered are intended to diagnose or treat any disease, illness, psychological or mental health condition, nor be a substitute for medical treatment. Whilst Debbie will do her utmost to help you to find your own inner resources, you are responsible for your own healing and growth. For any health concerns, you should always consult your own healthcare professional. Accessing the services available on this website implies your acceptance of this disclaimer
How do I know what’s best for me?Please contact me and arrange a free 30-min discovery consultation. We can discuss what might be most helpful for you.
Will this entirely remove my fears around speaking?Not entirely. The aim is to remove the overwhelming and debilitating sense of dread and panic that the thought of presenting can produce. Fear to this extent can paralyse the mind and is of no help to you. Fear to this extreme will simply cause you misery and lost opportunities in life and work. It is this depth of fear that we will aim to remove. A small amount of pre-delivery nerves just before presenting may remain however, but that's a good thing and completely normal for all performers. Knowing that you have new mental associations, improved speaking skills, effective relaxation techniques and a well crafted and practiced presentation, means that any nerves can be reframed as temporary excitement, rather than fear. Those temporary minor nerves will help prepare your mind to be sharp, focused and on the ball and should be welcomed.
Will I need to present to you?Assuming we've done some hypnotherapy in previous sessions, the fear of presenting in our 1:1 coaching sessions should be lower anyway. In the 1:1 coaching sessions you can practice presenting or we can work on just a few elements, such as your voice or handling questions etc.
I'm in a rush. What's the least I can do to help myself?1 session will help calm your fears 2 sessions will help calm your fears and coach you on your skills and your presentation 3 sessions should help remove the fear and give your speaking skills and presentation a polish
Can't I overcome my speaking fears through practice instead?Yes of course, but most of us tend to avoid those things with frighten us, so there's a high chance that you may procrastinate or avoid opportunities for public speaking practice. If you have time, then putting yourself through the Toastmasters programme is highly recommended. This will build your speaking skills and confidence gradually over 1-2 years. You may find a Toastmasters club in your local town or city.
What is your legal disclaimer?Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that helps you access your own inner resources, assisting you to resolve problems, increase motivation or alter behaviour patterns, to create positive change. Services such as Regression and Parts Therapy may involve you going into deeper or buried memories that could bring emotions to the surface. The truth of any memories that may come to your conscious awareness as a result of the sessions is for you to decide. Debbie Jeremiah works to UK standards set through voluntary regulation in the hypnotherapy and regression profession itself and not by any country or state licensing requirements. She does not practice psychotherapy or medicine. None of the services offered are intended to diagnose or treat any disease, illness, psychological or mental health condition, nor be a substitute for medical treatment. Whilst Debbie will do her utmost to help you to find your own inner resources, you are responsible for your own healing and growth. For any health concerns, you should always consult your own healthcare professional. Accessing the services available on this website implies your acceptance of this disclaimer
How do I book an APPOINTMENT from a PREPAID plan?Purchasing a Plan You can purchase a plan at any time. If you purchase a plan at the same time you book a session (from the Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan drop down on the bottom of the Booking Form, please ensure you click Complete Your Booking to order BOTH the plan AND the booking. Booking an Appointment Against a Prepaid Plan First of all, ensure you are still logged in so that the site recognises you. If you have manually logged out or the site doesn’t recognise you, simply log back in with your email and password (top right of screen) Go to the Booking page https://www.debbiejeremiah.com/booking Select an In-Person or Zoom Appointment You can use your plan for any session (in-person or zoom) Select Your Date & Time To use your plan, click on Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan at the bottom of the booking form Select Use my plan Note: the numbers after the valid until date show you how many sessions you have left, i.e, 1/2 indicates that you have 1 session remaining Ensure the contact details on the booking form are correct Click Book Now if you are booking just one appointment or Add to Cart if you are booking more than one appointment Once booked, you will see a screen confirmation and receive email confirmation Note the Zoom link may be sent on a separate email and there may be a short delay. You will receive a separate Preparing for your appointment email. Please check spam if you don't receive it Rescheduling your Appointment You can also click on My Appointments (top right of screen) to see the sessions you have already booked and to rebook or reschedule
How do I know what’s best for me?Please contact me and arrange a free 30-min discovery consultation. We can discuss what might be most helpful for you.
How many sessions do I need?Ideally 3-5. A lot can be achieved in 3 sessions, so you may wish to book a 3-session package and then reassess. You can always add on an extra session or two afterwards, if required. In the case of a speaking emergency, even just 1 session will help tremendously.
Can I combine this with another speaking course?Yes of course. Any form of speaking course will be beneficial, provided your fear of presenting is not extreme. If your fears are debilitating, then you could consider a couple of sessions of hypnotherapy BEFORE going on your course, in order to attend with a more open and positive mindset.
Do you do this for small groups?Yes, Presenting for the Petrified is also offered as a blended version available for small groups (group size 4-10), typically over 8 virtual sessions. The offering can also be tailored to include 1:1 sessions. Please contact us to discuss further.
How do I reschedule or cancel an appointment?You can reschedule or cancel an appointment at anytime, as long as it's more than 24 hours in advance. If you haven't already set up an account, select the Log In icon (top right of screen). Enter the email address you booked with and create a password. Verify on the confirmation email sent to you. You'll then be able to log in to see all the past and future appointments (and any workshop bookings).
Are the Services all the same price?Yes. All offerings under the Services menu are the same price and take 1.5 - 2 hrs
What are your cancellation policy and terms?Appointments You can reschedule your appointment (via your profile) provided you give at least 24-hrs notice. Otherwise, you will be charged for any missed appointments. PrePaid Plans Prepaid plans must be redeemed within 6 months of purchase. Prepaid plans are non-refundable, but you can transfer any unused sessions to friends of family. Billing Billing will be shown on Paypay or your Credit Card statement as Debbie Jeremiah or A Thinking Space Ltd
How can I access my appointment Zoom links?Your Zoom link is in a separate email sent to you after booking. It is also in My Appointment, if you log into your account. Please reach out if you need them resending.
How do I book an APPOINTMENT from a PREPAID plan?Purchasing a Plan You can purchase a plan at any time. If you purchase a plan at the same time you book a session (from the Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan drop down on the bottom of the Booking Form, please ensure you click Complete Your Booking to order BOTH the plan AND the booking. Booking an Appointment Against a Prepaid Plan First of all, ensure you are still logged in so that the site recognises you. If you have manually logged out or the site doesn’t recognise you, simply log back in with your email and password (top right of screen) Go to the Booking page https://www.debbiejeremiah.com/booking Select an In-Person or Zoom Appointment You can use your plan for any session (in-person or zoom) Select Your Date & Time To use your plan, click on Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan at the bottom of the booking form Select Use my plan Note: the numbers after the valid until date show you how many sessions you have left, i.e, 1/2 indicates that you have 1 session remaining Ensure the contact details on the booking form are correct Click Book Now if you are booking just one appointment or Add to Cart if you are booking more than one appointment Once booked, you will see a screen confirmation and receive email confirmation Note the Zoom link may be sent on a separate email and there may be a short delay. You will receive a separate Preparing for your appointment email. Please check spam if you don't receive it Rescheduling your Appointment You can also click on My Appointments (top right of screen) to see the sessions you have already booked and to rebook or reschedule
What is your legal disclaimer?Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that helps you access your own inner resources, assisting you to resolve problems, increase motivation or alter behaviour patterns, to create positive change. Services such as Regression and Parts Therapy may involve you going into deeper or buried memories that could bring emotions to the surface. The truth of any memories that may come to your conscious awareness as a result of the sessions is for you to decide. Debbie Jeremiah works to UK standards set through voluntary regulation in the hypnotherapy and regression profession itself and not by any country or state licensing requirements. She does not practice psychotherapy or medicine. None of the services offered are intended to diagnose or treat any disease, illness, psychological or mental health condition, nor be a substitute for medical treatment. Whilst Debbie will do her utmost to help you to find your own inner resources, you are responsible for your own healing and growth. For any health concerns, you should always consult your own healthcare professional. Accessing the services available on this website implies your acceptance of this disclaimer
How do I know what’s best for me?Please contact me and arrange a free 30-min discovery consultation. We can discuss what might be most helpful for you. Take a look at the Mastering Your Inner Mind Packages to get an idea of possible combinations.
Can I use a prepaid plan for any session type?Yes! All sessions are the same price so you can simply book an appointment from the Booking page. Purchase a prepaid plan and we will provisionally figure out in the 1st session what might be the best mix of sessions for you, although it can always be changed at the actual sessions.
Can I have a slightly different start time?Yes! Available times are offered by the system. If you can see other availability around your booking and a slightly different start time works better for you, i.e. moving your session from 5.30pm to 6.30pm say, please just ask.
What happens in the 1st appointment?Typically your first appointment is a discussion of your goals and a deep hypnotic relaxation. For those new to hypnosis or meditation and wanting a future regression session, we may take a brief journey back to a positive past life or memory, just to get more familiar with that experience.
Do I need to commit to a number of sessions?No, you do not need to commit to any number of sessions, but please bear in mind that your first session is typically a discussion, plus a deep hypnotic relaxation. We focus more on your issue in your second session. If further sessions are suggested, you remain the judge of how many you want or need, based on how you feel.
What types of issues can I have hypnotherapy for?Hypnotherapy can be used for many of life’s challenges, such as: Fears & phobias Stress, anxiety & panic Confidence & motivation Weight issues & body image Anger management Relationship issues Unwanted habits Childrens’ issues Relaxation Grief & loss Health issues Sexual issues Skin issues Childbirth Sports performance Business, communication skills & finance Exams & studying
Can I use a prepaid plan for any session type?Yes! Purchase a prepaid plan and we will provisionally figure out in the 1st session what might be the best mix of sessions for you, although it can always be changed at the actual follow-up session.
What’s the difference between hypnosis and guided meditation?Guided meditation or guided relaxation typically requires you to focus on a relaxing thought or object of focus, such as your breath, a sound, a silently repeated word or something physical such a pebble or flower. The experience is normally one-way; you simply listen to the words spoken. Although similar, hypnosis requires you to deliberately imagine something specific, such as remembering an event or dealing with a challenging situation. This allows you to safely practice it within your imagination first, before dealing with it in real life. Although hypnosis sessions may begin and end with some guided relaxation in order to calm the mind and body, during the main part of the session you will typically be required to interact verbally with the hypnotherapist. If you have experienced guided meditation or relaxation, such as yoga nidra in the past, hypnosis will not be too unfamiliar to you.
I’ve had counselling already. How might hypnotherapy help me?Talking therapies can be incredibly helpful and should always be one of the first therapies to consider when life gets tricky. Where an issue stems from an event or pattern of thinking that is so deeply embedded in the subconscious that it’s not really possible to have a conscious discussion about it however, then hypnotherapy might be worth considering. Because the subconscious is more easily accessible within the calm relaxed state of hypnosis, the origin or source event of the issue can be more easily identified and then addressed. Hypnosis and talking therapies such as counselling, can work well together.
What is your legal disclaimer?Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that helps you access your own inner resources, assisting you to resolve problems, increase motivation or alter behaviour patterns, to create positive change. Services such as Regression and Parts Therapy may involve you going into deeper or buried memories that could bring emotions to the surface. The truth of any memories that may come to your conscious awareness as a result of the sessions is for you to decide. Debbie Jeremiah works to UK standards set through voluntary regulation in the hypnotherapy and regression profession itself and not by any country or state licensing requirements. She does not practice psychotherapy or medicine. None of the services offered are intended to diagnose or treat any disease, illness, psychological or mental health condition, nor be a substitute for medical treatment. Whilst Debbie will do her utmost to help you to find your own inner resources, you are responsible for your own healing and growth. For any health concerns, you should always consult your own healthcare professional. Accessing the services available on this website implies your acceptance of this disclaimer
Can anyone be hypnotized?Yes, pretty much! Entering into hypnosis is as easy as daydreaming. According to research (Golden et al, 1987), the majority of people are moderately hypnotizable. Hypnosis is essentially a matter of belief and imagination. You just need to be willing to listen to and imagine along with the suggestions given. The key to being good at hypnosis is actually to believe you will be good and to be patient, curious and open-minded, choosing to analyze the experience afterwards. The more confidently you expect it to happen, the faster and easier it will. Until in the end you can simply tell yourself. Does this mean you are gullible if hypnotizable? No! In fact, good hypnotic subjects tend to be more intelligent and less gullible than average. Because real life self-control requires a high degree of self-suggestibility, highly self-disciplined people such as soldiers, successful business persons or athletes etc., make particularly good hypnotic subjects. Everyone experiences hypnosis differently. Some people are visual and see clear images in their mind’s eye. For others, it’s sounds or smells. Some people experience sensations, emotions or just a sense of knowing. Many people will have a combination of these. Sometimes the sensations are strong and clear, other times more subtle. Just like we can train our minds over time to become better at learning a language or playing an instrument, so we can become better at hypnosis through practice. The more hypnosis you have, the quicker, easier and deeper the level of hypnotic trance you will be able to achieve and the more confident you will feel to trust whatever information comes to mind. Most people find they relax deeper and quicker in subsequent sessions and the information comes to them with more clarity. If you are new to hypnosis, listening to one of the short practice audio recordings in Resources a few times before your first session is strongly recommended. This will help you to practice the skill of relaxing and letting go, helping you to get the most out of your first session.
How do I book an APPOINTMENT from a PREPAID plan?Purchasing a Plan You can purchase a plan at any time. If you purchase a plan at the same time you book a session (from the Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan drop down on the bottom of the Booking Form, please ensure you click Complete Your Booking to order BOTH the plan AND the booking. Booking an Appointment Against a Prepaid Plan First of all, ensure you are still logged in so that the site recognises you. If you have manually logged out or the site doesn’t recognise you, simply log back in with your email and password (top right of screen) Go to the Booking page https://www.debbiejeremiah.com/booking Select an In-Person or Zoom Appointment You can use your plan for any session (in-person or zoom) Select Your Date & Time To use your plan, click on Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan at the bottom of the booking form Select Use my plan Note: the numbers after the valid until date show you how many sessions you have left, i.e, 1/2 indicates that you have 1 session remaining Ensure the contact details on the booking form are correct Click Book Now if you are booking just one appointment or Add to Cart if you are booking more than one appointment Once booked, you will see a screen confirmation and receive email confirmation Note the Zoom link may be sent on a separate email and there may be a short delay. You will receive a separate Preparing for your appointment email. Please check spam if you don't receive it Rescheduling your Appointment You can also click on My Appointments (top right of screen) to see the sessions you have already booked and to rebook or reschedule
How do I reschedule or cancel an appointment?You can reschedule or cancel an appointment at anytime, as long as it's more than 24 hours in advance. If you haven't already set up an account, select the Log In icon (top right of screen). Enter the email address you booked with and create a password. Verify on the confirmation email sent to you. You'll then be able to log in to see all the past and future appointments (and any workshop bookings).
Can you travel to me?Unfortunately not. All appointments are available either in-person near Clare, Suffolk, or over Zoom
Can my appointment be done on Zoom?Yes! Hypnosis can still be highly effective when delivered virtually over Zoom. You just need: a quiet and undisturbed day, time and location a stable wifi signal a comfortable sofa or bed to relax on, with a warm blanket a headset with microphone so we can both hear each other clearly a camera, preferably on a laptop, so that you can be seen Should the wifi signal drop during a session, that’s ok. After some silence you would simply wake up, just like after a nap. The session can easily be continued once the connection has been resumed. I am located in the UK and run sessions for global timezones. Please ask if you don’t see a time what works for your location on the calendar
Remind me about the contraindications againHypnosis is not suitable for: Psychosis When taking perception altering medications Anyone with a perception altering condition After consuming alcohol or recreational drugs Past life regression is not suitable if you are pregnant, but other alternatives are available. Please ask.
What is hypnosis?Hypnosis, guided visualization or guided imagery are different terms to describe a safe, natural state of relaxed, highly focused attention, in which you can more clearly visualize your goals, evoke positive emotions and mentally rehearse behavior change. In this calm, but hyper-focused state, your mind is more easily able to accept helpful suggestions given to you by a therapist. You can think of hypnosis as like that of being guided through a specific daydream. You are awake, but lost in your own world, just as if you were completely engrossed in a gripping book, film or sports match. Hypnosis is safe. It is not magical and it doesn’t put you to sleep or render you unconscious. It’s not brain-washing, mind reprogramming or mind control. Most people are completely aware of everything that happens to them, they have full control and they only take on suggestions they are happy to accept. You can always move freely and you will never take on any suggestions or do anything you don’t agree with. Hypnosis is not passive. You will be asked to think and imagine along with suggestions given, but in a relaxed way, paying attention and responding without too much analysis or conscious thought. Under hypnosis, many people can often remember with perfect clarity, events that happened years, or even decades previously. The memories can feel very real as if they are happening right now and can include images, sounds, smells, sensations, tastes, pain and of course emotions. The clarity and depth of the experience differentiate it from a normal memory. Most people find a hypnosis session deeply relaxing and refreshing. Afterwards you will probably have a great night’s sleep and for a few days afterwards probably have a much greater sense of perspective over your life and its challenges.
What is the science behind hypnosis?Hieroglyphics reveal that hypnosis was first used approx. 5,000 years ago by the ancient Egyptians. It was also used by the ancient Greeks, the Mayas of South America, the Hindu fakirs, Chinese religious teachers, the Persian magi, the Celtic druids and African witch doctors. Since the early days of psychology research, hypnosis has been subject to analysis and experiment. Thousands of positive experimental and clinical research studies on hypnosis have been published, with Google Scholar featuring almost 400,000 research articles including the term hypnosis. Hypnosis has been recognized by the American Psychological Association for managing obesity and by (NHS) NICE for managing IBS. In 1999 the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published a clinical review of hypnosis and relaxation therapies, confirming its effectiveness in alleviating pain, anxiety and insomnia. Hypnosis works on the underlying principle that the subconscious mind is our driving force and we always do what our subconscious believes. To replace negative or unhelpful patterns of behavior, we need to bypass the conscious mind, in order to ‘reprogram’ the subconscious. When the conscious mind is in a quiet, relaxed state, the subconscious mind becomes accessible, providing expanded possibilities for change. Professional sportspeople and people wanting to perform at the top of their game, use guided imagery, visualization or self-hypnosis to imagine the specific movements or actions of their sport. This brain training activity can build new or stronger neural pathways in the brain, enhancing their ability to move and react automatically, without conscious effort, especially under pressure. Not every aspect of hypnosis can currently be explained, because not every aspect of the brain can be explained. Hypnosis is a particular functionality of the brain, in the same way that playing an instrument or speaking another language is. Focused attention and the ability to imagine and respond to suggestions, are just more incredible brain abilities that we all have and can use to our own advantage. The leading, peer-reviewed, scientific research journals in the field of hypnosis are: The International Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis www.ijceh.com The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis www.asch.net Contemporary Hypnosis www.bsech.co.uk
Can I have a free consultation?Yes. Click on any of the Discovery Call links to schedule a free 30-min Zoom consultation. Or use the Contact Form.
Do you do 'normal hypnotherapy'?'Normal hypnotherapy' techniques are included to a degree within each and every session, however I tend to specialise in the types of sessions that in my experience, bring about rapid and sustainable change. These are the sessions where you hear yourself giving yourself advice and instructions, rather than listening to the hypnotherapist telling you how to think and what to do. Applying the wisdom from your own higher or inner mind is more relevant to you and thus preferable to hearing it coming from a therapist.
How can I get the most out of the appointments or workshops?You should avoid any alcohol or perception-altering drugs on the day of the session. If new to hypnosis, regression or meditation, in advance of your session you should listen to the short audio recording in Resources. This recording gives you an opportunity to practice and begin to train your brain to relax and let go. Positive expectation is key to successful regression and hypnosis. The more you believe they will work, the more easily they will. This doesn’t mean you are gullible, only more willing and open to explore your imagination. Feeling safe enough with your hypnotherapist to relax and let go is important too, and of course this takes time to develop. To avoid you having to remember what came up during the main guided visualization, you may wish to speak out loud and record yourself on a separate device, for later playback.
Will the session be recorded?Yes. Appointments can be recorded with the audio file sent to you after the session. You may wish to wait a few weeks before listening to it, to give time for further reflections to appear. Workshops are recorded and an edited audio file sent out to all registered participants are the event, so that the visualizations can be listened to again.
What are your cancellation policy and terms?Appointments You can reschedule your appointment (via your profile) provided you give at least 24-hrs notice. Otherwise, you will be charged for any missed appointments. PrePaid Plans Prepaid plans must be redeemed within 6 months of purchase. Prepaid plans are non-refundable, but you can transfer any unused sessions to friends of family. Workshops Live workshops are non-refundable once purchased. All registered workshop participants will receive an edited audio recording after the event, so that the visualizations can be listened back to again. In the event that the actual recording is not suitable, a re-recorded version will be provided. Tickets are priced for each attendee. Please purchase a ticket for each attendee in your group. This workshop is for attendees 18 and over. By purchasing a ticket you are not guaranteed a positive past life regression or future life progression, but attendees typically find the experience to be relaxing, fulfilling and uplifting. Differing beliefs about the nature of past life regression and future life progression are valid and welcomed in these workshops. Please double check your email address when entering it onto the registration form as we are unable to access or change it in the registration system. If entered incorrectly you will not receive the personalized link for the event. Please minimize potential distractions in your environment, so that you can focus fully on the workshop. We are unable to provide tech support, so testing your connection and updating your version of Zoom prior to the event is recommended. Please make sure that you have internet access, the ability to access Zoom, a device with video and audio features and an additional device with recording functionality, should you wish to privately record your own comments. All tickets are final, non-refundable and not available for resale. Billing Billing will be shown on Paypay or your Credit Card statement as Debbie Jeremiah or A Thinking Space Ltd
I’m confused. I don’t know what I needPlease book a free 30-min Discovery Call consultation and we'll figure it out! Take a look at the Mastering Your Inner Mind Packages to get an idea of combinations.
Do I need to commit to a number of sessions?No, you do not need to commit to any number of sessions, but please bear in mind that if you are new to hypnosis or relaxation we may need to begin with a simple positive past life regression, which can be beneficial in its own right. A second follow up session would then be used for a past life regression that is the source of your current life issues. If further sessions are suggested, you remain the judge of how many you want or need, based on how you feel.
Why is the session 2hrs, when other past life regression is just 60 mins?Some past life regressionists just briefly visit a life, almost like a tourist. The entire session can occur within an hour. Therapeutic past life regression takes longer (1½-2 hours on average). Time is taken to experience all the significant events in the life, explore the relationships with other characters in that life and reflect on the life both in and out of hypnosis. Little is left unsettled, unsaid or unresolved from that life by the end of the session. There is nothing wrong with visiting a past life superficially, almost like tourist just looking in. It is invariably a fascinating experience and there will be some learnings from it, which may well be sufficient for your needs. If you are seeking healing from issues in your life that may have their source in the past, a short ‘tourist’ past life regression may not be sufficient for the resolution that you need. Therapeutic past life regression training can take more than 1 year. Other past life regression courses can be completed in a weekend or on-line, watching videos. You are advised to check the qualifications of your past life regressionist.
How ‘real’ does past life regression feel?Past life regression can feel like watching a movie at the cinema where you are so immersed in the action that you lose your own sense of self. You almost become part of the movie. The sense of realness in regression comes from: The level of detail within the imagery, including sounds, smells, tastes, sensations, pain or emotions The depth of emotion felt and expressed The experiential sense of being in the movie as it is being played, but from behind the eyes of the main character, rather than a 3rd person observing from a distance An instantaneous knowing of what the story is, who the characters are and how the story is playing out, including facts and details Fully embodying the character and their physical body, personality, characteristics, motivations, gender, i.e., you may be female in reality, but ‘know’ what it feels like to have a beard Re-experiencing the events as if they are happening right now, including the physical sensation or emotions Feeling fully emotionally engaged and attached to the story Experiencing dying and the immediate moments afterwards Spotting links and connections between the past life and current issues.
What if I find myself regressed back into a ‘bad’ person?Spiritual beliefs around reincarnation suggest that if you are unable to sufficiently get the learnings or break unhelpful patterns of this life, then you may face more of the same in some future lives; like a sort of spiritual exam re-sit. In addition, to fully understand a particular pattern in life, you may need to experience it multiple times and from different sides, to give you a wider perspective on the issue. You might be a victim in several lives and a perpetrator in others, each time focusing on a particular issue, such as responsibility, love, rejection, independence etc. This is the concept behind karma. Rather than thinking about karma as cosmic accountability or earning cosmic points, i.e. getting rewarded for good deeds with a better future life, or vice versa, you might consider thinking about karma as that of non-judgmental, experiential learning. The soul is given the opportunity to experience an issue from various viewpoints and extremes. It is neither a reward or punishment, rather a learning opportunity to strengthen, develop and evolve the soul. Lives represent a sort of cosmic workshop role play if you like, where you swop roles, to experience particular issues from different perspectives. Past life personalities may differ considerably from your own. Visiting the past life of a bad person is not a reflection of you, any more than watching a violent movie is. That life may provide as many useful reflections and learnings to your current life as a 'good' life does.
What actually happens during a past life regression session?Prior to the session you will be encouraged to listen to a short 10-min audio file from Resources a few times. The recording gives you practice at focusing your imagination and relaxing and letting go. The session you have depends on your experience with hypnosis and mediation. If these are new you we will probably begin with a brief discussion, followed by a guided relaxation and then aim to take you into a positive past life. We would go to a past life that is the source of your current issues in a second follow up session. This gives you more of an opportunity to get used to the experience of past life regression. Albeit, the mind will go where it needs to go for you greatest benefit. In all past life sessions, you will be asked to describe yourself and the significant events that you find yourself in (that your mind selects by itself). You will be asked to describe out loud what you are experiencing. You may see the event in your mind or feel or sense it in some way. You might experience explanations or sudden gut knowings just popping into your head, as if from nowhere. A key part of the experience is to explore the point of death and the emotions or thoughts occurring at that time. We may return back to any earlier significant events to ensure nothing of importance to that life has been omitted. An important part of the process, not covered by all past life regression therapists (hence why this session is longer than a standard 60 min session), is to reflect on the relationships with the main characters that occur in that lifetime. This can be a powerful, profound and healing experience. You may or may not recognize those characters from your current life. We conclude with some words of wisdom or guidance given to you by your spirit guide, higher mind or non-conscious (according to your own beliefs) and a short consolidating meditation. Afterwards we will briefly reflect on the experience and any patterns that might have relevance or meaning for your current life. If requested, you will receive your audio recording shortly afterwards. Note that at the start of the regression, your conscious mind may be quite chatty, giving you a running commentary as to the validity of the experience, whether you are making it all up or if you are doing it right (if you have images, thoughts, feelings, sensations or knowings, then yes, you are doing right!). Your conscious mind will always remain on throughout, but later in the session it will settle, taking on the role of quiet observer, rather than opinionated commentator.
Could my mind be making up the past life?Many people experiencing past life regression wonder if they are making it up. But consider your degree of concentration. Although you can consciously daydream about, say winning the lottery, you probably can’t sustain that daydream for longer than a few minutes (if that), before your mind gets distracted. In contrast, you could probably remain in a focused hypnotic regression for a good 1-2 hours, with little conscious distraction. Gradually as the session progresses, the conscious mind starts to dial down to the point of almost being set aside. No conscious effort is required to imagine or recall. Facts and information just seem to pop into the mind in an instant and there is an absolute knowing about the life and character. Emotions feel very real and create similar reactions. It is possible that you are making it all up, but if so, most people's minds have the plot writing ability of a Hollywood script-writer! Although that said, many past lives are quite mundane lives. If you were making it up, would you have chosen a life more glamorous than that of a rural peasant in the 14th century? One way to test whether you are making it up during a session is to try to change the characters. If you try to alter their clothing from Victorian to Viking say, you'll probably find you are unable to. The characters are the characters and they can't easily to be changed in any way. Ultimately the truth of any memories you experience is for you to decide.
Can my friend or family member attend or observe?For individual sessions, it is not recommended that another person attend. Friends or family members might appear as characters in a past life and having that person present and listening in, might be inhibiting for you. For your reassurance however, family or friends are welcome to join you but sit close by in another room, out of direct earshot. If you have a Zoom session, know that your pet dog or cat may react to your energy at key parts of a past life. You may wish to put them in another room, so that they don’t distract you at significant moments.
How do I book an APPOINTMENT from a PREPAID plan?Purchasing a Plan You can purchase a plan at any time. If you purchase a plan at the same time you book a session (from the Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan drop down on the bottom of the Booking Form, please ensure you click Complete Your Booking to order BOTH the plan AND the booking. Booking an Appointment Against a Prepaid Plan First of all, ensure you are still logged in so that the site recognises you. If you have manually logged out or the site doesn’t recognise you, simply log back in with your email and password (top right of screen) Go to the Booking page https://www.debbiejeremiah.com/booking Select an In-Person or Zoom Appointment You can use your plan for any session (in-person or zoom) Select Your Date & Time To use your plan, click on Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan at the bottom of the booking form Select Use my plan Note: the numbers after the valid until date show you how many sessions you have left, i.e, 1/2 indicates that you have 1 session remaining Ensure the contact details on the booking form are correct Click Book Now if you are booking just one appointment or Add to Cart if you are booking more than one appointment Once booked, you will see a screen confirmation and receive email confirmation Note the Zoom link may be sent on a separate email and there may be a short delay. You will receive a separate Preparing for your appointment email. Please check spam if you don't receive it Rescheduling your Appointment You can also click on My Appointments (top right of screen) to see the sessions you have already booked and to rebook or reschedule
What if I’ve never had hypnosis or regression before?Although not guaranteed, most people new to hypnosis or regression are able to find themselves in a past life. To encourage this, the first session begins with a guided relaxation and them a visit to a positive past life (providing your mind agrees). If you can imagine yourself walking through your own front door then you can probably be regressed back into a past life. Imagination is the key component of a successful past life regression and any subsequent healing. Being open to explore the thoughts, images or gut knowings (however improbable they might seem) that bubble up out of your subconscious when you are asked specific questions about that lifetime, is the main skill in accessing other lifetimes. Being accepting of whatever pops up in your mind and being willing and able to describe it, even if it makes no sense and even if it feels like you are making it all up, is all you need to experience a past life. In the same way that children don’t judge themselves when they are playing imaginary games with their dolls or soldiers, neither should we judge ourselves when we are exploring our past lives. There is no right and no wrong and you will not be judged. Whatever comes up is whatever comes up. Accept it and just see what happens. Listening to the 10-min audio recording in Resources a number of times beforehand is strongly recommended. This helps you practice accessing your imagination and relaxing and letting go. In the unlikely event that you cannot access a past life the first-time round, you will receive instead a lovely guided hypnotic relaxation session. Either way, you will benefit!
Why would I want to be regressed through a past life death?In past life regression, the death point is a key event in order to explore any unresolved emotions, feelings or thoughts from that life. Many people experience the immediate feelings of freedom, relief and peace after the past life death. Experiencing a death in this way can be a liberating and comforting experience, especially for those with a fear of death. Most people find to their surprise that dying in a past life is actually quite a positive experience. It is a simple letting go, just like falling asleep If the circumstances of the past life just prior to death are uncomfortable, such as in a battle for example, you would be asked to float above your body, to remove any distress.
I’ve had normal hypnosis before. How will a past life regression session differ?The main noticeable difference between the two is your sense of agency during the session. In a regular hypnosis session for say, overcoming the fear of public speaking, although you may be asked to respond, most of the suggestions are given by the therapist. Your role as the client is to just imagine along with the suggestions given. In contrast, for past life regression, your therapist offers very few suggestions. You drive the session with your story or experience. Your past life therapist mostly asks simple, open, non-leading questions, such as “What happens next?” to encourage you to move forward through your story. A past life regression session is therefore much more interactive and driven by you. Your past life therapist merely helps facilitate the session. They are not the expert. You are the expert of your past life. Not all hypnotherapists offer past life regression.
Is past life regression safe?For normal day-to-day stress, anxiety and overwhelm, or for unexplained or unresolvable physical issues, hypnosis, guided imagery and past life regression is inherently safe and no more risky than daydreaming. Hypnosis is definitely not a state of mind control. You cannot be made to do anything against your will. In fact, you normally must want to accept suggested ideas and actively imagine responding, in order to experience their effects. Hypnosis is completely safe when used in a responsible and professional manner. Nobody has ever been stuck in hypnosis. If your hypnotherapist stopped talking, you would simply awake after a short while, as if from a nice nap. Comedy stage hypnosis has very little to do with therapeutic hypnotherapy and fosters many misconceptions. Take what you see on TV with a generous pinch of salt. Past life regression involves re-experiencing events and emotions, although those emotions are let go of rapidly. Afterwards, most people feel lighter, more free and much less burdened. They usually sleep better that evening and generally feel more relaxed and happier in the few days subsequent to the session.
What if I’m curious but still skeptical?It is perfectly normal to be and even to remain skeptical, even if you have had past life regressions previously. It is an experience that is not easily explained. If a therapy helps put things into perspective for you and improves your mental wellbeing, then perhaps it is worth considering. If you are curious, simply try it out and form your own conclusions. You are very welcome to have an initial 30-min Zoom call to discuss any questions or concerns that you might have.
Can I combine current life and past life regression?Yes. In fact the combination works wonderfully together. Imagine that you are wanting to reduce general anxiety. We might start with a past life regression where perhaps, for example, you explore a past life of overwhelming responsibility or where you took no responsibility. Revisiting and releasing that life is likely to leave you feeling more relaxed, more grounded and more confident. Either in that same session (time dependant) or a follow-up one, we can then visit a few earlier life anxiety related (current life) memories that now be re-experienced from the new position and mindset of someone with much greater confidence and self-assurance. What would you have said and done in those old situations if you had had this new-found assertiveness. Role playing those old events from a new confident mindset can be very cathartic. Your inner mind will determine precisely which past events it wants to visit. Altering old events in this way almost rewrites your past, changing your associations and altering the way you automatically react now.
What is genealogical, ancestral or family tree regression?Genealogical, ancestral or family tree regression assesses whether the originating or source event for your present life issues stems from an ancestor, rather than from your own past life. Loving kindness is sent to that event and those ancestors and any unhelpful connections released. This type of regression can be worth considering, if normal past life regression fails to achieve the expected results. Or it can be briefly added onto a regular regression session at the end, as a kind of regression catch-all.
Am I unconscious during the session? Will I remember it?Hypnosis is not a state of sleep or unconsciousness. In fact, 90% of people report being aware of everything that happens. Most people remember it fully afterwards. Although you are conscious during hypnosis or a past life regression, all of your focus is on your inner world, so you may not be bothered by or even notice sounds happening nearby. This is similar to someone being deeply engrossed in a movie or watching sport on TV. They tend not to notice that it has gone dark outside, or hear their partner calling them! In the event of a noise associated with an emergency requiring you to respond consciously, under hypnosis you would become alert immediately and be able to respond appropriately. Although the word hypnosis comes from the Greek word for sleep (hypnos), it is actually an abbreviation for ‘neuro-hypnotism’, meaning ‘sleep of the nervous system’. Early European philosophers wrote ‘the sleep (hypnos) of the body is the awakening of the mind’. Hypnotists often use the word ‘SLEEP’ as a trigger word to induce hypnosis. This is because the word can evoke the body’s natural relaxation response, not because hypnosis feels like being asleep. That said, within a deep state of hypnosis, the mind can drift in and out of a sleep-like state, sometimes hearing the words of the therapist, sometimes not. Past life regression uses a light level of hypnosis. You will probably clearly remember your past life regression for years to come.
How long is a session?Your first past life regression session may take up to 2 hours, although it will probably only feel like 30 mins to you. Follow up sessions may be slightly shorter. The session duration is necessary to capture all the important events of your story and also to spend time with the characters at the end, reflecting on your relationship with them. You should schedule the session so that you have ample time available for the session and can allow for a relaxing remainder of the day afterwards, to allow the experience and you, time to settle.
Is past life regression really real?Although some researchers have attempted to prove reincarnation and near-death experiences, we will probably never know for sure if past life regression is real or not. Past life regression could be real, fantasy, metaphor, memory, imagination or ancestral memory. Differing explanation and views are therefore equally valid. One rational school of thought suggests that a past life experience is simply the non-conscious mind making up an elaborate story in order to help the conscious mind to see things from a different perspective, just as it does in dreams. This viewpoint does have merit. Neuroscientists estimate that 99%+ of the activity of your brain is non-conscious, from regulating your body, to driving most of your actions, habits and behaviors. You have NO conscious awareness of any of this automatic activity. Your brain literally operates itself and much of what you do, especially when you are lost in thought and operating on autopilot. You can think of your conscious mind (the part that knows you exist in this present moment) like that of the CEO of a large organization. He or she pops up at times to confirm the overall strategy and course-correct if need be, but they cannot be involved in all of the moment-to-moment decisions and actions. It’s the same with your brain. Your non-conscious mind takes in 11 million bits of data persecond, but your conscious mind can only handle 40-50 bits of that data, handling most things on autopilot for efficiency instead. Regression therapy, where you access and make meaning from deeply stored memories, is one way to access some of that normally inaccessible subconscious data, hence why it is a tool sometimes used by psychologists and psychotherapists. Whether a memory is real or not also depends on what your view of reality is. We may both experience the exact same event very differently, based on our own life experiences, patterns of behavior, current state of mind and even genetics. Which one of us has the most real experience? The answer is we both do. Each of our experiences is unique to us. We both have our own unique version of reality. What is harder to explain within past life regression however, are the many instantaneous realizations that occur during a session, as well as the carefully interwoven story with unforeseen plot twists, surprises and moments of clarity. Sometimes the story can match the plot line of a gripping film or novel. Given the lack of scientific evidence in this area, you are simply encouraged to experience past life regression for yourself and form your own conclusions. The truth of any memories that surface for you in past life regression is for you to decide.
How do I know what’s best for me?Please contact me and arrange a free 30-min discovery consultation. We can discuss what might be most helpful for you. Take a look at the Mastering Your Inner Mind Packages to get an idea of possible combinations.
Will it be traumatic to heal a phobia or issue?If there is no obvious cause in your current life for a particular fear or phobia, then past life regression may be worth exploring. Whilst you might think that you would have to re-experience a past life trauma in order to heal from it, the opposite could be true. If you have a phobia of dogs for example, past life regression could take you to a lifetime where you have loving, companiable relationships with dogs. It doesn’t necessarily need to be traumatic. The past life experience that you need in order overcome those fears is decided by your higher mind. Similarly, if you are experiencing a great amount of life stress, you might regress back to a life of peace, giving you a new more peaceful perspective over your issues. Or, in contrast, you could regress back to a traumatic war situation, to help you put your current life issues into perspective. That is the beauty of past life regression. You really don’t know what you are going to get. But it will be the exact right experience for you.
How many sessions do I need?You can think of past life regression as like needing answers from a book. Sometimes just one book will give you all the information you need. Other times you need to get snippets of information from a few books. Some people get immediate relief from just one past life regression session. Getting the lesson from this past life and releasing it may feel like an epiphany, with the weight of the issue leaving their shoulders rapidly. Others may need to peel off a few easier outer past lives first, before being ready to deal with a significant one. Note, we typically only explore one past life per session. Others may need to do some current life healing first, before heading into the past.
What is your legal disclaimer?Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that helps you access your own inner resources, assisting you to resolve problems, increase motivation or alter behaviour patterns, to create positive change. Services such as Regression and Parts Therapy may involve you going into deeper or buried memories that could bring emotions to the surface. The truth of any memories that may come to your conscious awareness as a result of the sessions is for you to decide. Debbie Jeremiah works to UK standards set through voluntary regulation in the hypnotherapy and regression profession itself and not by any country or state licensing requirements. She does not practice psychotherapy or medicine. None of the services offered are intended to diagnose or treat any disease, illness, psychological or mental health condition, nor be a substitute for medical treatment. Whilst Debbie will do her utmost to help you to find your own inner resources, you are responsible for your own healing and growth. For any health concerns, you should always consult your own healthcare professional. Accessing the services available on this website implies your acceptance of this disclaimer
Do I need to believe in reincarnation to have a past life regression?No. You may choose to believe that your existence is eternal and that you are experiencing just one of hundreds of real past lives. Or you may choose to believe your past life is a fantasy, metaphor or imaginary story created by your non-conscious mind, which has meaning for you. Either way, the experience will be the same and beneficial. Past life regression is secular and does not align to any particular religious beliefs. It is suitable for atheists, agnostics, cynics & skeptics.
What are the after effects of a past life regression?In the same way that a vivid dream can stay with you when you awake, so can a past life regression. After 1-3 days, any feelings of being unsettled by the experience have typically faded away however, although the memories will stay with you indefinitely. During the 3 days after the regression, that past life is still close to you. Any unanswered questions that you have may pop into your mind or dreams, so experiment with asking extra questions in your mind and see what answers you get. You are strongly advised to write down everything you can recall about the experience immediately afterwards, in order to help make sense of it. Similarly, talking it through with (supportive) friends and family, will help you to make meaning from the experience. It is also vital to keep yourself grounded immediately after and for the 3 days following a past life regression. Spend time in nature, eat good food and practice self-care. If you are unfamiliar with grounding techniques, such as imagining your feet are rooted into the ground, listen to the short grounding audio recording within Resources. It will guide you through 5 different grounding methods.
What is the science behind past life regression?Although controversial, research has occurred into Near Death Experiences (NDEs), where a clinically dead person brought back to life reveals experiences that occurred to them after death. The experiences are often similarly described by different people, irrespective of their spiritual or religious views. Examples of NDE research: Dr Pim van Lommel from Holland, whose research (shared in the Lancet) researched 344 cardiac arrests and discovered 62 NDEs Dr Parvia from Southampton researched NDEs in 63 cardiac arrest survivors Dr Eben Alexander, a renowned neurosurgeon wrote about his own brain death experience in his book Proof of Heaven: A neurosurgeon’s explorations into the void The Scientific and Medical Network, made up of 2000 doctors and scientists, researches new areas to connect spirituality with science. This includes the field of quantum psychics, which draw parallels to spiritual teachings. Reincarnation research: Dr Ian Stevenson from the University of Virginia researched 2600 stories of reincarnation from children, many of which are now in published books and articles. In his book Xenoglossy, he investigates the case of an American woman who spoke Swedish fluently under hypnosis, a language she did not speak or understand in a normal state of consciousness. Stevenson's research is explored and continued by his colleague Dr Jim Tucker in the book Life Before Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children's Memories of Previous Lives Psychologists and researcher who have written extensively on the subject of past life regression are: Dr Michael Newton, in his well-known books Life Between Lives, Journey of Souls & Destiny of Souls Dr Brian Weiss from University of Miami, in his famous book Many Lives, Many Masters Although not past life regression, Mark Wolynn in his book It Didn’t Start With You discusses inherited family trauma, which may pass down the family line, either through genetics, cell memories or behaviors. This may have links to the research on inherited fear in mice (to a specific smell), which can be passed down to grandchild mice, even when separated from the parents at birth (Dias & Ressler, 2014) To explore more about the Afterlife from a more scientific perspective, try sites such as: https://afterlifeinstitute.org/ or https://seekreality.com/
Will I recognize characters from my prior lives?Some people recognize some key characters within their past lives. A husband in a past life may be a son in a current life for example. Some people recognize no one. Either is fine.
What are the benefits of past life regression?Past lives can have links to current life issues, through recurring conditions, illnesses, or unexplained pains, as well as repeating situations or patterns of behavior. Re-experiencing the significant events of a past life within the safety of a regression session and identifying the learnings, may help resolve symptoms or issues in this current life. Past life regression can be immensely healing. Someone with unexplained recurring headaches for example, may find themselves regressed back to a past life where they had a traumatic head injury, which subsequently improves when the past life event is identified, addressed and released. Even those having past life regression just out of curiosity, often report feeling lighter and brighter as a result. The majority of our issues in life stem from our relationships with others. Past life regression can be helpful in establishing any ongoing soul contacts. These are considered by some to be joint agreements made with others before we all came into this life, in order to facilitate growth and learning. Having this understanding can help remove some of the emotion around certain individuals in our lives, replacing it with understanding and ultimately, forgiveness. In addition to going back to past lives in order to heal them and be released from them, we can also revisit past lives to re-connect with past skills, talents and wisdom. If you want to write a book in this life, then re-living the life of a writer in a past life may help your skills and creativity. Indeed, some people seeking to enhance their creativity experience past lives purely for this reason. Healing a single past life through regression often has positive unforeseen knock-on benefits in other areas of life. In hindsight, you may notice that undisclosed minor niggles seemed to have improved too. The benefits of past life regression can be far-reaching.
When is past life regression NOT appropriate?Hypnosis and past life regression is NOT recommended in cases of: psychosis altered mental states (where a person has trouble differentiating reality from imagination) when under the influence of any drugs (including alcohol) which may impact the state of mind or perceptions Past life regression which involves deep emotions from another lifetime, is not recommended during pregnancy but other forms of spiritual hypnotherapy are, such as connecting at a higher level to the spirit of your unborn child.
Can I have a session just out of curiosity?Yes! In fact many people have past life regression once or twice simply out of curiosity, almost like being a past life tourist!
Do I get to choose which life I regress back to?For a particular issue that you want help with, you will be asked to go back to a life which represents the origin, source point or point of entry of that issue, which might have then rumbled on through numerous subsequent lives. Or you can select the past life that your higher mind selects for you today, giving it the choice of your experience. Or you may request and aim to experience a positive or peaceful past life. This can be helpful when you are in need of optimism. Alternatively, you may want to go back to a life within a particular time period/culture that you are interested in. Or a life with particular skills, talents or wisdom that you could benefit from bringing forward, such as that of an artist, writer or successful entrepreneur. You should however, always be prepared to get what you need, rather than what you want!
What is past life regression?Past life regression (PLR) uses a light level of hypnosis to take you back to an experience of a prior life, in order to re-live events, situations, traumas or a death, which may have learnings relevant to this current life. 'One of the remarkable features of past life therapy is that behind every chronic physical symptom that resists conventional treatment is an older story of disaster, deprivation or violent death embedded within the symptom itself ..' Woolger R, Other Lives, Other Selves. A Jungian Psychotherapist Discovers past Lives. Bantam Books. 1988
My friends tell me I’ll probably be regressed back to Cleopatra. Will this happen to me?Probably not! Many people regress back to the lives of simple ordinary folk, with normal lives. Even if you have a natural fascination with a particular part of the world or culture, you may be surprised to find yourself regressed back to an entirely different culture and historical period. In therapeutic past life regression, names or dates aren’t typically asked for, although you may have a sense of that and volunteer the information. It’s unlikely you will be able to prove your past life existence, although you may recall facts that you weren’t consciously aware of knowing previously.
What if I’m quite analytical?In the same way that you don’t stop a movie 20 mins in to analyze it, you will be encouraged to put your analytical thoughts to one side, as much as you are able to during the regression. This becomes gets easier to do as you move through the experience and you become more immersed in it. It also becomes easier to do with practice. Over time, the more hypnosis you experience, the easier it is to relax into the experience, trust your therapist and put aside the inner analysis. Additional techniques are available to help ease you into the past life regression, if you have an particularly analytical mind. Just ask.
Will I get emotional?Many people having past life regression are often surprised at how emotional they feel during the experience. The full range of human emotions and feelings are possible; fear, anger, sadness, shame, guilt, joy and of course love. Such emotions are a key part of the experience and should be welcomed and embraced. Remember, without our normal human drive to experience strong emotions, the world of TV, movies, computer games, theme parks and sports, would make no money! Your hypnotherapist is used to experiencing emotional reactions in clients. They are part of normal healing. You will not be judged in any way and should not aim to limit or self-censor yourself.
How will I know if I’m doing it right?As you first arrive in your past life, the snapshot images your experience may be vague and there may be lack of clarity as to what you are doing, why and where. This is perfectly normal. As you continue on through the session the images, feelings, sensations, emotions and explanations often become stronger, clearer and more absorbing. Being asked simple open questions such as “What happens next?” may instantaneously trigger new images, sensations or events in your mind. You do not need to consciously think about the answers. An image or sense of knowing will spontaneously pop into your head, as if from nowhere. As you go through the session, your conscious mind will interfere less and question less. Sometimes, clarity over exactly why something is happening does not occur until much later in the session. The skill if there is one in past life regression, is to accept initial images, situations or sensations, however vague or confusing they are and simply continue into the experience with curiosity. Before long, the events will take on a greater intensity and significance to you and clarity will occur. If you have a soft landing into a past life, the story may take time to get going, much like reading a book with a slow start. If you have a hard landing into a past life, the drama and experience may occur much more rapidly, much like a movie with a dramatic beginning. Every regression experience is unique. Using your imagination and being willing to describe everything that appears in your mind, however odd or far-fetched, and without judgement or self-censoring, is the key to successful past life regression. If you can do that, then you are doing it right.
Might I be making it up?Possibly! Just like past life regression, FLP may be slipping around in time, or it may be imagination, fantasy, metaphor or wishful thinking. Many clients visualize events and things that they never consciously thought they wanted, such as living in a new country or making a career change. It's of course possible that the need or want was living deep in their subconscious and FLP simply brought it up into their consciousness. We just don't know. But like PLR, FLP works best when just experienced. The truth and source of any thoughts that may come to your conscious awareness during the session is for you to decide.
What is future life progression?Future life progression (FLP) is a way of glimpsing alternative possible futures that may await you. Most of us simply hope that things will work out in the future. We rarely take the time to consciously imagine all of our different options, how we might feel about them now or in the future and their likelihood of success. Our naturally distractable minds make all of this conscious thought just too effortful. Within the relaxed yet highly focused state of an FLP session, however, imagining all of your future options becomes effortless, fascinating and thoroughly enjoyable. As easy as child’s play.
How will future life progression benefit me?FLP allows you to mentally travel forward in time to see how certain life decisions or opportunities will pan out. It can be used across a wide range of issues, such as: Viewing 5 or 10 years ahead in your life Making confident and clear decisions Choosing between multiple career opportunities Identifying new areas of study or training Meeting future partners Exploring relationship challenges Making wise property investments Supporting healthy life decisions Exploring your next incarnation/lifetime Spotting watch-outs or potential pitfalls Motivating you to confidently take action, NOW!
Will future life progression stop bad things happening in my life?Yes and no. Challenge, unforeseen events and the free will of others are part of life. Other people make decisions that impact us and FLP can’t stop that. What it can do however, is to help you spot and avoid the unnecessary pitfalls; the pitfalls that your fast busy life normally stops you noticing, or the pitfalls that you simply avoided thinking about because you didn’t want to face them. FLP brings those pitfalls into sharp focus, so you can be prepared to navigate around them, should the worst happen. In FLP, only knowledge that is for your highest good is sought. This doesn’t mean challenging times won’t occur, but it does mean that you may be more prepared, positive and empowered, should the worst happen.
Yes, but really how does future life progression work?Some people believe that time is non-linear; that we are living in a multiverse of consciousness where all time is now. All information is out there in the unified field and all experiences are happening simultaneously. This allows anyone to access past and future lives, as easily as their current life memories. Temporal distortion (altering your perception of time) and precognition (seeing the future) models have also been proposed. The Specious Present is our present moment time, i.e. the amount of present time that we are aware of. It’s usually about 1/10th second. Some theorists have questioned whether you could extend the amount of present time within different mind states, to view or change the potential of the future. Similarly, the Block Universe theory suggests that past, present and future all exist at the same time, thus the future is essentially within your present. Alternatively, consider the professional athletes or anyone wanting to be performing right at their peak. These people train their brains as much as they train their bodies. Brain training or visualization creates increased myelination of neural pathways. Essentially, the brain creates stronger neural pathways which can deliver faster and more automatically driven, pre-determined reactions during certain situations. This allows your sports professional to take that (previously visualised) kick or shot without conscious interference when the pressure is on, in the same way that you react instantly and non-consciously if an obstacle suddenly appears in front of your car whilst driving. FLP may be a way of visualizing and embedding those pre-determined future actions. Or does FLP create a self-fulfilling prophecy perhaps? You visualize something and then more easily make it happen, because it is in your conscious awareness. Acting as an inner radar system, your mind’s reticular activating system notices and points out to you resources important to your goal, i.e. that new car that you like. FLP could simply be guiding you towards deeply held, but consciously unknown goals or needs. When used to reverse engineer a problem (finding the solution and then working back through the steps that got to the solution), your subconscious is likely sifting through its vast data bank of information and passing some of that relevant data through to your conscious mind, in the form of images, metaphors, thoughts, feelings or a sense of gut knowing. This typically occurs only when the conscious mind is in a calm, quiet and relaxed state. Guided visualization and FLP can provide the perfect calm conditions for such moments of insight to occur. Our brains naturally seek out what feels familiar in our lives, for good or bad, hence why we can knowingly repeat unhealthy patterns in our lives for years on end. Your brain prefers the certainty of what is familiar, even if it isn't necessarily the best outcome. Familiar experiences require less conscious effort and our brains prefer to be as energy efficient as possible! Bringing a new and unfamiliar element into your life, such as a healthier relationship, can be challenging if you have no idea what good or familiar feels like in that context. FLP is one way to create and embed new familiarity. Within a deeply relaxed state, visualizing what you want creates and deepens familiarity. You can experience what your new right feels like, alongside positive thoughts and with an absence of fear and doubt. Imagining and deepening the sense of familiarity makes the chances of you getting what you are seeking, more likely, more easily and more quickly too. Most of us have a strong sense of autonomy and we naturally reject being told what to do. Advice from others, however wise, can often go unheeded. FLP overcomes this self-defeating behavior by connecting you to your own future self. When your smarter, older, wiser, more experienced and more successful self tells you what steps to take next to follow in their footsteps, you listen! Taking advice from a better, stronger, more assertive, more confident, healthier, wealthier and more joyful version of you, gets results! Whether it is your future self or simply your subconscious connecting with your conscious, it really doesn’t matter. What matters is when you, on a really, really good day speaks, the current you listens … and then follows the instructions! Most of us have our moments of insight in the shower or when doing simple tasks such as mowing the lawn or doing the dishes. The gentle focus, slight physical relaxation and open, calm, quieter mind provides the perfect conditions for moments of insight to occur. You can think of FLP as being deliberate, facilitated, on-demand versions of these shower insights, providing great wisdom exactly when required. So, in summary, can we humans manipulate time to travel forwards and backwards along our own soul’s journey? Or is it new models of time distortion? Or, is it just brain training, turning actions into automatic habits, re-enacted without any conscious thought? Or is it the subconscious mind sifting through our vast mental data warehouses to pull out the relevant information? Or is it simply increasing familiarity around what we want, so it comes more naturally into our lives? Is it the ease with which we can take advice from our older, wiser selves? Or is it a supercharged, facilitated shower insight, but on demand? The answer is we just don’t know. Just like past life regression, FLP can’t currently be explained. But what we do know, is that that during times of challenge or confusion, setting a clear intention and mentally trying on different options within a deeply relaxed unemotional and fearless state, can provide powerfully clear decisions, actions and the confidence, will and motivation to move forward. More easily and more quickly too.
What does a session involve?After a discussion to clarify your goals and outcomes, simple guided meditation or light hypnosis will take you to a calm, peaceful and deeply relaxed space. This can take place over Zoom. Skilful facilitation will then help you to explore your specific future and options. Anchoring techniques will help you to embed your envisioned outcomes, strengthening their subconscious hold and increasing the chance of them being acted upon, especially if repeated each day. Most clients feel wonderfully refreshed afterwards and highly motivated to start making change immediately afterwards.
How does future life progression work?Thoughts have power, whether positive or negative. Thoughts drive associations, reactions, responses, behaviors, actions and ultimately outcomes, often completely outside of our conscious awareness. Mentally trying on different future scenarios, within a state of deep relaxation allows you to mentally explore them, but bypassing the normal fear, emotions, avoidance or past associations, that make clear thinking a challenge. During times of change or confusion, an FLP experience can help you to make better, clearer and more confident decisions.
What is your legal disclaimer?Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that helps you access your own inner resources, assisting you to resolve problems, increase motivation or alter behaviour patterns, to create positive change. Services such as Regression and Parts Therapy may involve you going into deeper or buried memories that could bring emotions to the surface. The truth of any memories that may come to your conscious awareness as a result of the sessions is for you to decide. Debbie Jeremiah works to UK standards set through voluntary regulation in the hypnotherapy and regression profession itself and not by any country or state licensing requirements. She does not practice psychotherapy or medicine. None of the services offered are intended to diagnose or treat any disease, illness, psychological or mental health condition, nor be a substitute for medical treatment. Whilst Debbie will do her utmost to help you to find your own inner resources, you are responsible for your own healing and growth. For any health concerns, you should always consult your own healthcare professional. Accessing the services available on this website implies your acceptance of this disclaimer
How do I book an APPOINTMENT from a PREPAID plan?Purchasing a Plan You can purchase a plan at any time. If you purchase a plan at the same time you book a session (from the Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan drop down on the bottom of the Booking Form, please ensure you click Complete Your Booking to order BOTH the plan AND the booking. Booking an Appointment Against a Prepaid Plan First of all, ensure you are still logged in so that the site recognises you. If you have manually logged out or the site doesn’t recognise you, simply log back in with your email and password (top right of screen) Go to the Booking page https://www.debbiejeremiah.com/booking Select an In-Person or Zoom Appointment You can use your plan for any session (in-person or zoom) Select Your Date & Time To use your plan, click on Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan at the bottom of the booking form Select Use my plan Note: the numbers after the valid until date show you how many sessions you have left, i.e, 1/2 indicates that you have 1 session remaining Ensure the contact details on the booking form are correct Click Book Now if you are booking just one appointment or Add to Cart if you are booking more than one appointment Once booked, you will see a screen confirmation and receive email confirmation Note the Zoom link may be sent on a separate email and there may be a short delay. You will receive a separate Preparing for your appointment email. Please check spam if you don't receive it Rescheduling your Appointment You can also click on My Appointments (top right of screen) to see the sessions you have already booked and to rebook or reschedule
How do I know what’s best for me?Please contact me and arrange a free 30-min discovery consultation. We can discuss what might be most helpful for you. Take a look at the Mastering Your Inner Mind Packages to get an idea of possible combinations.
Can you guarantee I will visit a past or future life during the workshop?When it comes to the mind, unfortunately there can be no guarantees. Whilst most people do experience a past or future life within a session that is aiming to do that, no promises can be made. You can however, increase your chances by practicing in advance with the audio recordings within Resources and minimising possible distractions in your environment, so that you can focus more fully. Many people use these group sessions to have a taster experience of a past life regression and then go on to have a private more in-depth 1:1 session at a later date.
Why would I attend the workshop, if I can listen to something on YouTube?Although the internet and our phones are awash with guided meditations and visualization recordings, yet it can be hard to find the time and motivation to actually sit down and do them. There is always seems to be something more important to do. Attending the workshop is a way of prioritizing your mental and physical wellbeing. Having the experience live together with a group, often makes the experience deeper and more vivid. A shared group experience with people who might be your tribe can be wonderfully supportive. A recording, although useful, is no substitute for a live experience.
How can I access my workshop Zoom links?The Zoom links are in the confirmation email sent to you after booking and on any invites you saved into your calendar.
How do I view my booked workshops?If you haven't already set up an account, select the Log In icon (top right of screen). Enter the email address you booked with and create a password. Verify on the confirmation email sent to you. You'll then be able to log in to see all the past and future workshop bookings (and any appointments).
How do I get the best out of a workshop?Load the Zoom app onto your device or laptop beforehand. Zoom does frequent updates and this can delay entry into the workshop, so you are advised to 'check for updates', in advance. It goes without saying that you should find a quiet, private space to attend the workshop, where you will be able to focus, undistracted. Where offered you are strongly encouraged to join the small group breakouts. Although it can be scary talking to new people, everyone is like-minded and has similar aims. You may find commonalities, support and words of wisdom. New friendships are sometimes formed in breakout rooms. In advance of your workshop, if you are new to hypnosis, you should listen to an audio recording in Resources. The recordings give you an opportunity to practice relaxing and letting go and to get more familiar with the voice. Listening to the recordings at times when you can safely relax, will help you to relax quicker during the session. Over time, you can train your own brain to more easily relax and let go into a gentle hypnotic state.
Are the workshops recorded?The workshops are typically not recorded, but can be if all participants are willing. If a recording is made, only the audio will be made available for download from zoom, for a limited time. The video version is typically deleted.
How ‘deep’ are the workshop visualizations and are they safe?The guided visualizations are relatively light and suitable for groups. They are similar to the depth of a guided relaxation you might have at the end of your yoga class. Many of us go into trance repeatedly during a normal day, when we drive and don't notice the journey or when we get lost in a day dream, a good book or a movie. If Zoom were to drop, you would simply awake after a few moments, as if from a nice nap. Similarly, although you may be relaxed and focused, if there were an emergency in your home, you would be aware and awake immediately. You are not asleep. You are not unconcious. You are simply in a state of inwardly focused, calm relaxation. Please only attend a workshop from a place when you can safely relax and will not be distrubed. Do not attend whilst driving or operating machinery. Please do not drink alcohol or take perception altering drugs before such a session. These workshops are not suitable for those with psychosis, or those with altered mental states or those taking drugs which may alter your sense of reality. If you have any concerns about your suitability, you should always check with your healthcare professional first. By booking a place you confirm that you are agreeing to take responsibility for your own wellbeing and to comply with these requirements.
What are the workshop cancellation policy and terms?Workshops and events are non-refundable once purchased. Tickets are priced for each attendee. Please purchase a ticket for each attendee in your group. This workshop is for attendees 18 and over. By purchasing a ticket you are not guaranteed a positive past life regression or future life progression, but attendees typically find the experience to be relaxing, fulfilling and uplifting. Differing beliefs about the nature of past life regression and future life progression are valid and welcomed in these workshops. Please double check your email address when entering it onto the registration form to ensure you receive your personalized Zoom link for the event. Please minimize potential distractions in your environment, so that you can focus fully on the workshop. We are unable to provide tech support, so testing your connection and updating your version of Zoom prior to the event is recommended. Please make sure that you have internet access, the ability to access Zoom, a device with video and audio features. All tickets are final, non-refundable and not available for resale. Billing will be shown on Paypay or your Credit Card statement as Debbie Jeremiah or A Thinking Space Ltd
What are the benefits of a group workshop?Group workshops are a great way to try out interesting and slightly different types of sessions. During individual 1:1 appointments we aim to find the root cause for a key issue such as anger or fear and then release it through re-experiencing it. Whilst this is effective, it's not always fun. With these Zoom workshops however, we take the opposite approach. Instead of finding out where it went wrong in the past, we aim to find out what it was like when we had it going right or to simply imagine what life would be like if we had those elements. Through visiting a past life or using the power of your imagination, you can think of these workshops as trying on or mentally rehearsing the actions, behaviors or elements that you want more of in this life, in the same way that you might test drive your dream car. When you've felt the thrill of driving it, you're more motivated to take the actions necessary to achieve your goal of owing one. Because your mind cannot easily tell the difference between an experience happing in reality or in your imagination, when you vividly imagine an experience using all of your senses, you can fool your brain into believing it is actually occurring, in the same way you do with VR. Our brains love to follow existing patterns and familiarity, because it requires less effortful thought. By deliberating and vividly imagining what we want and pairing that with pleasant feelings of relaxation, we can create new route maps for the mind to follow. Making it more likely you will get what you want from life, rather than continuing to get what you don't want. These workshops are the perfect introduction into the power of your own mind. Talking, experiencing and reflecting with a group of like-minded other participants can also help you to find insight and meaning, alongside a warm sense of connection. Although not guaranteed, breakout room 'magic' may find you randomly assigned to the breakout room with the exact right person, for the exact right conversation you need to have!
Can I book a session for my group or team?On-demand sessions for groups or teams are available throughout the UK and of course, virtually. They can make useful and thought-provoking sessions for leadership programmes or corporate retreats. They can also made unique options for hen parties or social gatherings, but please just be aware that attendees should not drink alcohol or take perception altering drugs before a regression. Please contact me to discuss your needs.
Will I need to put my webcam on?Where possible please keep your webcam on. For longer visualizations you will be asked to keep your webcam on, for safety reasons.
Are all workshops to do with the inner mind?On teh Workshops page you'll find a variety of workshops. Some are mental rehearsal, some are fear reduction, some are imagining new behaviours or ways or being and some are very practical, such as building presentation skills. New workshops are added regularly. Use the Contact Us form to sign up for the newsletter and receive workshop updates.
How do the workshops work?It depends on the particular webinar. After brief introductions, we might have a short piece of theory, typically about the mind. Sessions which are predominately guided vizualisation will normally start with one or two imagination taster activities, just to begin to calm down the mind and ease us into things. The main guided visualization may be 45-75 mins. Some workshops include a 3-min brain/bio break and some may include small breakout groups (pairs or trios), so you can discuss your experience. We'll typically conclude with a debrief and an opportunities to ask questions. Virtual workshops are run on Zoom Meeting, so you can chat freely with the rest of the group. You won't be asked to speak out loud to the full group, unless you want you, but you will be encouraged to put your webcam on during group chats and during the visualizations.
What are the workshop group sizes?Workshop group sizing differs per workshop, depending on the degree of interactivity. Most workshops have a maximum group size of 10-15 participants
What is the benefit of adding Future Life Progression to a parts therapy session?A parts therapy session typically includes a short section where you would imagine yourself in the near future, so it already includes a brief element of future life progression. However, that section is minimal, just a few minutes. Including an extra 30-mins of future life progression, where you can go forward 5 years into your future to understand what is happening in your life then, but more importantly how it feels, means you can bring back and borrow some of your future wisdom, energy and experience. Checking in with your future self 1 year ahead, gives you a much clearer view of the actions you need to take now, to optimise your life. Adding in the extra 30-min future life progression makes the parts session much more robust and potentially more effective. In the same way that we may not nutritionally need dessert, coffee and a chocolate after a meal, we may not actually need future life progression to make the parts session effective, but it really makes the therapy much more of a whole, powerful and frankly fascinating experience. If you are seeking self-actualisation in your life, then the future life progression add-on is recommended.
What is parts therapy?Parts therapy is a hypnotic therapy that aims to resolve inner conflict, caused by conflicting, self-sabotaging, inner motivations. It works on the basis that whenever your conscious mind and your subconscious mind are in conflict, the deeper needs of your subconscious mind invariable wins. Certain parts, especially those concerned with protection, can overpower others, leading to an imbalance, which can stop you achieving your goals, taking that promotion, joining the gym, moving house, eating better etc. For simplicity we call them parts, but you could equally call them inner drives, automatic habits or repetitive behaviours. An example might be someone who has tried and failed to lose weight. They may have a strong conscious desire to lose weight, feel healthy, wear nice clothes and look good etc, but also have a competing subconscious deeper, hidden need to hide away, be viewed as unattractive or go through life unseen. Having these conflicting drives can make any conscious efforts to change doomed to fail, frustrating or just plain exhausting. Just like in a normal negotiation, only when the two parts can agree on the same outcome, can the inner conflict settle and change occur. Parts therapy aims to create win-win outcome in your mind, so that all parts are integrated, working coherently and harmoniously for the benefit and happiness of you.
Are multiple parts the same as multiple personalities?No, absolutely not! Multiple subconscious 'parts' are completely normal. We all have them, in the same way that we all have multiple roles in our lives. You may perform the role of wife, mother, sister, daughter or manager. Just like different life roles are different aspects of you, so different subconscious parts are different aspects of your inner mind. In Parts Therapy we are just seeking to rebalance particular parts that are overpowering other parts and stopping you from achieving your goals. Parts Therapy has no connection whatsoever to multiple personality disorder.
Can parts therapy help with phobias?Yes. Because there is typically an underlying subconscious reason for the continuation of your phobia, both parts therapy and past life regression can be equally effective at identifying and releasing your phobias. Choose the one that feels most comfortable and relevant to you. If you're not sure, book a free discovery call to discuss it further.
When is parts therapy recommended?Parts Therapy is worth considering if regular hypnotherapy, talk therapy or your own efforts have not achieved the outcomes you would like. If it seems to you that you have a deep hidden resistance to what you are trying to achieve, driving you in the opposite direction and you've no idea why, then parts therapy may be worth considering. Although regular hypnotherapy does talk to your subconscious mind, to achieve change we need to understand and explore the precise cause of the issue, because the same issue will have a unique cause for each person. Simply telling the subconscious to change isn't always enough, especially if there is a deep, hidden need. In fact, the subconscious mind may object to being told to change, hence why in the session, we negotiate gently with the mind!
Do I have to have any spiritual beliefs to have parts therapy?No. Parts Therapy is completely secular. Because it focuses on subconscious thought patterns, it is suitable for agnostics and all belief systems.
How do I book an APPOINTMENT from a PREPAID plan?Purchasing a Plan You can purchase a plan at any time. If you purchase a plan at the same time you book a session (from the Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan drop down on the bottom of the Booking Form, please ensure you click Complete Your Booking to order BOTH the plan AND the booking. Booking an Appointment Against a Prepaid Plan First of all, ensure you are still logged in so that the site recognises you. If you have manually logged out or the site doesn’t recognise you, simply log back in with your email and password (top right of screen) Go to the Booking page https://www.debbiejeremiah.com/booking Select an In-Person or Zoom Appointment You can use your plan for any session (in-person or zoom) Select Your Date & Time To use your plan, click on Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan at the bottom of the booking form Select Use my plan Note: the numbers after the valid until date show you how many sessions you have left, i.e, 1/2 indicates that you have 1 session remaining Ensure the contact details on the booking form are correct Click Book Now if you are booking just one appointment or Add to Cart if you are booking more than one appointment Once booked, you will see a screen confirmation and receive email confirmation Note the Zoom link may be sent on a separate email and there may be a short delay. You will receive a separate Preparing for your appointment email. Please check spam if you don't receive it Rescheduling your Appointment You can also click on My Appointments (top right of screen) to see the sessions you have already booked and to rebook or reschedule
How many parts therapy sessions will I need?There is no set number of sessions, as you and your issues will be unique. 1-4 sessions would be possible, 2-4 more likely. You will be the judge of how many sessions you need, based on how complete and resolved the issue feels after your session.
What is parts therapy helpful for?Parts therapy can be helpful for any competing inner drives, that result in self-sabotaging behaviors, such as: Wanting to lose weight or get fitter or healthier .. but unable stop unhelpful habits Wanting a happy long-term relationship .. but unable to commit to healthy behaviors that would support that relationship Driven to earn more .. but unable to spend the money Wanting to awake feeling refreshed .. but unable to go to bed at a reasonable time Somehow blocking your own efforts to an optimal career, life, relationship, health or financial wellbeing, and having no idea WHY Parts therapy is helpful if you have tried and failed to achieve change in your life, seemingly sabotaging your own best efforts.
What is the science behind parts therapy?Parts therapy was created by hypnotherapist Charles Tebbetts and further modified by Roy Hunter, based on years of practice. Therapies similar to parts therapy include Ego State Therapy, Resource Therapy, Voice Dialogue, Inner Child Work, Internal Family Systems, Parts Integration or Subliminal Therapy. Not all of these incorporate hypnosis and accessing the subconscious through hypnosis is considered a much quicker and more effective route to change thought, behaviors and actions.
What happens in a parts therapy session?Within a calm and relaxed state of hypnosis, the conflicting parts of your inner mind are identified and their reasonings explored. Just as in a negotiation, alternative ways of getting both parts to be motivated to work together to achieve the same outcomes, are explored. You will be answering questions on behalf of your conflicting parts, but the answers won't be coming from your conscious mind. Instead the answers will just pop into your mind as if from nowhere. They are coming from your subconscious mind. Once you're able to relax into it, it's actually quite fascinating to hear what your own mind really thinks, and often quite funny too.
Will I get emotional during a parts therapy session?Parts therapy is a lighter and brighter session, when compared to say current life regression or past life regression. Parts therapy doesn't aim to focus on emotions, but there is always a chance you may tap into some old emotions, especially when thinking about why the disrupting part came into being. Often a parts sessions can be quite funny, as you start to hear the reasons why your inner mind is doing what it is doing.
How do I know what’s best for me?Please contact me and arrange a free 30-min discovery consultation. We can discuss what might be most helpful for you. Take a look at the Mastering Your Inner Mind Packages to get an idea of possible combinations.
When is parts therapy not suitable?Parts therapy works best for relatively straightforward inner conflicts, where you simply don't understand WHY you are behaving as you are. Situations where there seems to be no obvious reasons why your own actions go against your own goals. For more complex issues which generate very strong emotions and possible involve other people, current life regression, past life regression or psychotherapy/counselling may be more suitable. Conditions that are not suitable for parts therapy are psychosis, taking any form of mind altering medication and pregnancy. If you are seeking parts therapy to explore any ill health that you have, it vital that you have discussed this with your healthcare professional. We do not seek to remove pain, if doing so could mask an underlying condition. You are always welcome to book a free discovery call to discuss further.
What is your legal disclaimer?Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that helps you access your own inner resources, assisting you to resolve problems, increase motivation or alter behaviour patterns, to create positive change. Services such as Regression and Parts Therapy may involve you going into deeper or buried memories that could bring emotions to the surface. The truth of any memories that may come to your conscious awareness as a result of the sessions is for you to decide. Debbie Jeremiah works to UK standards set through voluntary regulation in the hypnotherapy and regression profession itself and not by any country or state licensing requirements. She does not practice psychotherapy or medicine. None of the services offered are intended to diagnose or treat any disease, illness, psychological or mental health condition, nor be a substitute for medical treatment. Whilst Debbie will do her utmost to help you to find your own inner resources, you are responsible for your own healing and growth. For any health concerns, you should always consult your own healthcare professional. Accessing the services available on this website implies your acceptance of this disclaimer
Can parts therapy help with addictions?Yes. Parts therapy can be helpful to help you stop/reduce your drinking, smoking, over eating etc, because it gets to the source of WHY you are continuing to do those activities. Some addictions can be resolved rapidly. Others may need a number of sessions. It all depends on your subconscious and how willing it is to change.
What is a good follow on therapy, after parts?Many people come to parts therapy to help resolve a specific issue. Once resolved, they recognise the potential to transform their lives, using the power of their imagination and their subconscious. Client may return at a later date to work on more issues using parts therapy. Or they may become curious and choose to explore a past life through past life regression. Or they may explore some unresolved grief.
Can parts therapy help with physical issues?Yes. You can consider parts therapy for the reduction in pain, but only with express medical approval (in case that reduction in pain masks further physical issues). In such cases, parts therapy can be used in addition to standard hypnotic pain reduction techniques. Parts therapy is also helpful to identify WHY you have certain physical issues. Identifying with that part of you that is the pain or diseased part can be tremendously enlightening. You may find that part of you is quite specific about what support it needs and what changes it needs you to make. These sessions may or not bring relief from your symptoms, but they will bring considerable awareness, understanding and perhaps more self-love.
How quickly does parts therapy work?Because each client and each issue is unique, there is no easy, clear-cut answer. One client may achieve the change they are seeking, immediately after the first session. For others, the change may appear gradually over the next few weeks to months. Provided your inner mind was able to reach a satisfactory agreement and conclusion during the session, it is likely that when you look back 3-6 months later, you will see changes in hindsight. As humans, we adapt very quickly and often don't notice the changes as they are occurring. We only see them afterwards. Of course, your commitment and motivation to support the change are key elements too.
Do I get parts therapy during the first session?The first session is normally a discussion to determine your issues and needs, followed by some non-specific general relaxing hypnosis. The allows us to begin to know each other and for you to practice hypnosis. Hypnosis is a skill just like any other cognitive activity. The more you practice it, the easier and quicker it is for you to reach a relaxed state and the more effective the sessions are. For individuals unfamiliar with hypnosis or mediation, it can take time to learn to switch off the conscious mind, especially if you have an analytical mind that like to retain control. You will find that you can go deeper into the experience on your 2nd session. Although this initial session is a gentle introduction, it can still be a powerful and effective session. If you have considerable experience of hypnosis or meditation, it may be possible for you to have the parts therapy in the first session. This would be determined at the time.
What is regression therapy?Regression therapy is the umbrella term used to include past life regression, current life regression, inner child therapy and parts therapy.
What is your legal disclaimer?Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that helps you access your own inner resources, assisting you to resolve problems, increase motivation or alter behaviour patterns, to create positive change. Services such as Regression and Parts Therapy may involve you going into deeper or buried memories that could bring emotions to the surface. The truth of any memories that may come to your conscious awareness as a result of the sessions is for you to decide. Debbie Jeremiah works to UK standards set through voluntary regulation in the hypnotherapy and regression profession itself and not by any country or state licensing requirements. She does not practice psychotherapy or medicine. None of the services offered are intended to diagnose or treat any disease, illness, psychological or mental health condition, nor be a substitute for medical treatment. Whilst Debbie will do her utmost to help you to find your own inner resources, you are responsible for your own healing and growth. For any health concerns, you should always consult your own healthcare professional. Accessing the services available on this website implies your acceptance of this disclaimer
What is inner child work?Inner child work typically involves stepping into a current life memory as your current, older, wiser self in order to experience the situation from your adult mindset &/or to support your younger self. Perhaps for example, you felt ridiculed in a lesson at school as a child and this has seemingly affected your abilities to present well or speak up in meetings at work ever since. Inner child work would involve you re-experiencing that old memory, within a state of calm relaxation, but adding in your current self into the memory. How would you support your younger you? What would you say to your younger self? What would you say to the children laughing at you from the position of your current you? How would your younger self take comfort from having the support of your current self? Swopping places in that memory, between your younger and current self has the effect of helping you to say what you couldn't say at the time or do what you couldn't do. The result is that it removes the emotional sting from the memory. Old negative associations can be replaced with healthier, more positive associations. It is these associations that form the basis of your automatic reactions. There are numerous techniques used in inner child sessions, almost all of which help you to reframe those original painful memories. Inner child sessions can be deep, nourishing and wonderfully life-affirming.
How do I book an APPOINTMENT from a PREPAID plan?Purchasing a Plan You can purchase a plan at any time. If you purchase a plan at the same time you book a session (from the Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan drop down on the bottom of the Booking Form, please ensure you click Complete Your Booking to order BOTH the plan AND the booking. Booking an Appointment Against a Prepaid Plan First of all, ensure you are still logged in so that the site recognises you. If you have manually logged out or the site doesn’t recognise you, simply log back in with your email and password (top right of screen) Go to the Booking page https://www.debbiejeremiah.com/booking Select an In-Person or Zoom Appointment You can use your plan for any session (in-person or zoom) Select Your Date & Time To use your plan, click on Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan at the bottom of the booking form Select Use my plan Note: the numbers after the valid until date show you how many sessions you have left, i.e, 1/2 indicates that you have 1 session remaining Ensure the contact details on the booking form are correct Click Book Now if you are booking just one appointment or Add to Cart if you are booking more than one appointment Once booked, you will see a screen confirmation and receive email confirmation Note the Zoom link may be sent on a separate email and there may be a short delay. You will receive a separate Preparing for your appointment email. Please check spam if you don't receive it Rescheduling your Appointment You can also click on My Appointments (top right of screen) to see the sessions you have already booked and to rebook or reschedule
Does current life regression only work on big trauma?No. Throughout our lives we often experience moments of 'milder' trauma, i.e. feeling humiliated at school, failing an exam, experiencing a relationship break up, redundancy etc. And trauma is subjective. What is traumatic for me (having to start a new job) may be exciting for you (getting that job!). Such moments of milder trauma may disappear into your personal history, but they can leave an imprint, especially if there are many of them. What matters is the impact that they have on your current life. Sometimes it is only after you have explored them, that you discover the full extent of the effect that they have been having on you.
Can I combine current life and past life regression?Yes. In fact the combination works wonderfully together. Imagine that you are wanting to reduce general anxiety. We might start with a past life regression where perhaps, for example, you explore a past life of overwhelming responsibility or where you took no responsibility. Revisiting and releasing that life is likely to leave you feeling more relaxed, more grounded and more confident. Either in that same session (time dependant) or a follow-up one, we can then visit a few earlier life anxiety related (current life) memories that now be re-experienced from the new position and mindset of someone with much greater confidence and self-assurance. What would you have said and done in those old situations if you had had this new-found assertiveness. Role playing those old events from a new confident mindset can be very cathartic. Your inner mind will determine precisely which past events it wants to visit. Altering old events in this way almost rewrites your past, changing your associations and altering the way you automatically react now.
What if I can't remember the trauma?That's ok. During a session, within a space of calm relaxation, your non-conscious mind will pick its own memory. The one that is most relevant for you to recall and explore. The memory will likely just pop into your head and it may be something that you haven't thought about for years. It may be a seemingly insignificant memory, such as not being picked for the sports team, or waiting outside of school for a parent who is late. Unless there is a particular memory that is troubling you, there's nothing you need to do to make this happen. Your inner mind is smart enough to know what it needs to process and release for your benefit!
How do I know what’s best for me?Please contact me and arrange a free 30-min discovery consultation. We can discuss what might be most helpful for you. Take a look at the Mastering Your Inner Mind Packages to get an idea of possible combinations.
Why do I want to reconnect with my inner child, if I’m an adult now?Childhood events that happened prior to attaining sufficient verbal skills or emotional reasoning, can create lasting associations, even if not particularly traumatic. Re-experiencing these childhood events, from the perspective of your older, wiser, more mature and experienced adult perspective can create entirely new associations, often allowing the original association to dissipate and be released. In situations where self-care is an issue, reconnecting with the inner child to express love, care and support to one’s younger self, can be profound and extremely healing.
What is current life regression?Current life regression aims to resolve issues by identifying and releasing events that may have occurred earlier in life. Such events may have been traumatic at the time or normal childhood events that were incorrectly encoded as traumatic by the brain at the time, i.e. getting lost in a shop as a young child may have contributed to fears of abandonment. Such past events can be buried deep within the non-conscious, making them hard to resolve through normal talking therapies. Identifying and re-living the event, but from the safety of a deeply relaxed state, may help reduce the impact or association, through desensitization.
What is your legal disclaimer?Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that helps you access your own inner resources, assisting you to resolve problems, increase motivation or alter behaviour patterns, to create positive change. Services such as Regression and Parts Therapy may involve you going into deeper or buried memories that could bring emotions to the surface. The truth of any memories that may come to your conscious awareness as a result of the sessions is for you to decide. Debbie Jeremiah works to UK standards set through voluntary regulation in the hypnotherapy and regression profession itself and not by any country or state licensing requirements. She does not practice psychotherapy or medicine. None of the services offered are intended to diagnose or treat any disease, illness, psychological or mental health condition, nor be a substitute for medical treatment. Whilst Debbie will do her utmost to help you to find your own inner resources, you are responsible for your own healing and growth. For any health concerns, you should always consult your own healthcare professional. Accessing the services available on this website implies your acceptance of this disclaimer
Do I meet my loved one for real, or in my mind?You meet your loved on in your mind, but your mind can make an experience feel ultra-real. Think about how real it can feel to have a very vivid dream, nightmare or hallucination. That sense of realness is what makes the experience so beneficial, if what you need is that one final time to say what needs to be said or to see them one more time.
Why do I need the introductory session first?The introductory session is necessary to help prepare the mind for the main session. This helps ensure a deeper state of hypnosis and a better experience. Even if you have experienced hypnosis before, the introductory session is recommended because of the greater sense of trust and connection between us that helps to build.
How do I know what’s best for me?Please contact me and arrange a free 30-min discovery consultation. We can discuss what might be most helpful for you.
Can I use these sessions for the passing of a pet?Yes, absolutely. Pets are family and their loss can be just as painful. Reconnecting with them and 'seeing' them in their younger, healthier days can be a wonderful, healing experience.
How soon after their passing can I have these sessions?It is understandable that you may want to have these sessions soon after the passing of your loved one. It is recommended however, that you allow some time to pass first, to ensure the session brings you relief and not further distress. Too soon and the session may be detrimental to your grieving. It is suggested you wait at least 1 year after the passing of an adult and 2 years after the passing of a child. Only once you can talk about your loved one, without excessive emotion, should you consider having these sessions.
How do I book an APPOINTMENT from a PREPAID plan?Purchasing a Plan You can purchase a plan at any time. If you purchase a plan at the same time you book a session (from the Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan drop down on the bottom of the Booking Form, please ensure you click Complete Your Booking to order BOTH the plan AND the booking. Booking an Appointment Against a Prepaid Plan First of all, ensure you are still logged in so that the site recognises you. If you have manually logged out or the site doesn’t recognise you, simply log back in with your email and password (top right of screen) Go to the Booking page https://www.debbiejeremiah.com/booking Select an In-Person or Zoom Appointment You can use your plan for any session (in-person or zoom) Select Your Date & Time To use your plan, click on Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan at the bottom of the booking form Select Use my plan Note: the numbers after the valid until date show you how many sessions you have left, i.e, 1/2 indicates that you have 1 session remaining Ensure the contact details on the booking form are correct Click Book Now if you are booking just one appointment or Add to Cart if you are booking more than one appointment Once booked, you will see a screen confirmation and receive email confirmation Note the Zoom link may be sent on a separate email and there may be a short delay. You will receive a separate Preparing for your appointment email. Please check spam if you don't receive it Rescheduling your Appointment You can also click on My Appointments (top right of screen) to see the sessions you have already booked and to rebook or reschedule
How can you help me with my fear of public speaking?Yes! There are a number of hypnosis techniques that can boost confidence and remove the fear of being watched, failing in front of, or being rejected by others. There are also many simple practical activities that can be taught that will help you increase both your skills and your confidence. If the fear was caused from an earlier life event, such as at school, this can be identified and resolved too through regression.
How can you help with social anxiety?Yes! Helpful techniques for social anxiety are spotting the early warnings or triggers and then practicing relaxation techniques. Others are changing the mindset around the way you view the situation. There are a number of different options to explore that can help boost relaxation in social situations, in addition to reducing the ouch around rejection, or overly heightened self-criticism.
If I have a fear or phobia, will fixing it through hypnosis be uncomfortable?For a simple phobia such as a fear of spiders, systematic desensitization can be very helpful. Over the course of a few sessions, you gradually work up a hierarchy of graded imagined situations, such as seeing a spider in the garden, to say putting a glass over it. Because each level is imagined within a state of calm, hypnotic, relaxation, working up the hierarchy of fears is actually not unpleasant. In fact, part of the aim is to replace the old feelings of fear with newer, calmer associations. Doing some homework in-between sessions, to the extent of your comfort levels, will enhance the effects.
How do I know what’s best for me?Please contact me and arrange a free 30-min discovery consultation. We can discuss what might be most helpful for you. Take a look at the Mastering Your Inner Mind Packages to get an idea of possible combinations.
What is your legal disclaimer?Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that helps you access your own inner resources, assisting you to resolve problems, increase motivation or alter behaviour patterns, to create positive change. Services such as Regression and Parts Therapy may involve you going into deeper or buried memories that could bring emotions to the surface. The truth of any memories that may come to your conscious awareness as a result of the sessions is for you to decide. Debbie Jeremiah works to UK standards set through voluntary regulation in the hypnotherapy and regression profession itself and not by any country or state licensing requirements. She does not practice psychotherapy or medicine. None of the services offered are intended to diagnose or treat any disease, illness, psychological or mental health condition, nor be a substitute for medical treatment. Whilst Debbie will do her utmost to help you to find your own inner resources, you are responsible for your own healing and growth. For any health concerns, you should always consult your own healthcare professional. Accessing the services available on this website implies your acceptance of this disclaimer
What do you offer for stress, anxiety or overwhelm?For a simple case of overwhelm, a session that includes some tension release or Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR), followed by some suitable hypnotic suggestions, might be just enough to provide a short term reset and some greater perspective. But just as ‘feeling tired’ can have many different causes, so can stress and anxiety. Perhaps you are feeling fearful about your job or a relationship? Or perhaps you have low-esteem or confidence? Perhaps it’s social anxiety, not eating well, not sleeping well or not exercising or playing enough? Or maybe it’s an inner conflict of some sort? Once the root cause has been identified, hypnosis can be considered for many of life's issues.
How do I book an APPOINTMENT from a PREPAID plan?Purchasing a Plan You can purchase a plan at any time. If you purchase a plan at the same time you book a session (from the Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan drop down on the bottom of the Booking Form, please ensure you click Complete Your Booking to order BOTH the plan AND the booking. Booking an Appointment Against a Prepaid Plan First of all, ensure you are still logged in so that the site recognises you. If you have manually logged out or the site doesn’t recognise you, simply log back in with your email and password (top right of screen) Go to the Booking page https://www.debbiejeremiah.com/booking Select an In-Person or Zoom Appointment You can use your plan for any session (in-person or zoom) Select Your Date & Time To use your plan, click on Pay for this session, buy a plan or use a plan at the bottom of the booking form Select Use my plan Note: the numbers after the valid until date show you how many sessions you have left, i.e, 1/2 indicates that you have 1 session remaining Ensure the contact details on the booking form are correct Click Book Now if you are booking just one appointment or Add to Cart if you are booking more than one appointment Once booked, you will see a screen confirmation and receive email confirmation Note the Zoom link may be sent on a separate email and there may be a short delay. You will receive a separate Preparing for your appointment email. Please check spam if you don't receive it Rescheduling your Appointment You can also click on My Appointments (top right of screen) to see the sessions you have already booked and to rebook or reschedule
How does Progressive Muscle Relaxation work? Can’t I just watch TV to relax instead?Physical tension and anxiety are deeply linked. They evolved together to keep our stone-age ancestors alive, through increased vigilance and readiness. If you are physically tense, your anxiety typically increases. If you are feeling anxious, physical tension will probably creep in; a tight jaw, tense shoulders, a sore back etc. If anxiety is ongoing in your life, then physical tension is likely to be there too. Understanding this connection means we are better able to resolve both issues. A simple first step to reducing anxiety is to remove physical tension. Anxiety is unlikely to remain, in the complete absence of physical tension. Muscle tension can still exist however, even during relaxing activities such as watching TV or reading a book. A more deliberate way to remove tension is necessary. Tension Release or Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is an established, evidence-based, simple technique that has been used by clinicians since the 1950’s. Systematically reducing physical tension by tensing and releasing each of the main muscle groups, quickly and easily removes muscle tension. The quiet, calm, relaxation that occurs afterwards can be further enhanced with hypnotic suggestions.