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Parts Therapy

Resolving inner conflict
Zoom & in-person
Duration: 1 - 2 hrs
“Every thought you have brings either peace or war; 
either love or fear ..”

Schucman (A Course in Miracles)


What is parts therapy?

Parts therapy aims to overcome subconscious or inner resistance, caused by self-sabotaging, conflicting inner motivations. It can be helpful for inner conflict around eating, exercising, sleep, drinking, smoking or for apparent blocks around career, relationships, health or finances. 


If you hear your repeatedly say:  'I want to do .... but I keep ending doing .... instead. And I've absolutely no idea why that is' then parts therapy may be for you.  You may, for example, have a strong desire to lose weight or cut back on your drinking, but just find yourself unable to do so, despite your best efforts. Some other part of your mind seems determined to sabotage you, leading to self-blame, guilt and frustration and of course failure to achieve your goals. Unfortunately, the conflicting part often remains deeply hidden, making it difficult to identify and resolve within normal talk therapy because when your conscious and subconscious mind are in conflict, your subconscious mind invariably wins. The reasons behind any inner conflict were probably valid when they were originally created. You have moved on in life, but your inner drives can continue to play on a loop, possibly for decades.  


You can think of a parts therapy session as a sort of facilitated internal role play. Within a calm and relaxed light hypnotic state, your 2+ conflicting parts are identified, named and their roles and reasonings explored. Clients might discover for example that the parts 'Rebel' keeps them smoking, 'The Guard' keeps them eating so that they don't attract attention or 'Driver' keeps them working long hours and unable to relax. These actions will be at odds to another part that wants the very best for them, such as 'Star', 'Happy' or 'Sparkle'.  One way to resolve the inner conflict is to find a new role for the conflicting part.  'Driver' for example, might end up taking on the new role of 'Tour Guide' perhaps, encouraging the client to plan their activities and adventures, when not working. All of this might sound strange, but because your subconscious mind operates via imagination, story or metaphor, all of this is perfectly acceptable to your inner mind and key to encouraging to change!      


Within a session, you identify your own unique parts (and their names!), the reasons for their existence, their conflict and whether assigning new roles can help resolve the conflict. The key aim is to bring all inner parts related to your goal back into a balanced, win-win alignment, with no one part having too much control or power.  The outcome of this new integrated, inner mental harmony is you achieving your goals quicker and more easily.


The sessions are wonderfully clarifying and deeply insightful. You finally get to understand WHY you do the things you do and you hear yourself explaining the changes that need to happen (versus being told by a therapist). The sessions are profound but light-hearted, deep but subtle, quick but effective. Clients usually find them thoroughly enjoyable! 


How will it benefit me?

 Parts therapy can be useful for inner conflict such as: 


  • Wanting to get healthier .. but unable to start exercising

  • Wanting to eat better .. but unable to stop snacking or overeating

  • Wanting to drink less .. but continuing to drink too much

  • Wanting a more balanced life .. but continuing to overcommit

  • Wanting career success .. but repeatedly making poor career decisions

  • Achieving great career success .. but unable to relax and enjoy that success

  • Wanting a great relationship .. but unable to commit to healthy behaviors

  • Wanting to pass exams .. but unable to study

  • Wanting to save money .. but continuing to spend

  • Wanting to awake refreshed .. but unable to go to bed on time


The reasons for your conflict will be unique to you and will probably not be what you think. You subconscious reasonings may be very different from your conscious reasonings. For example:


  • Client A thought he continued to drink because he liked it. He discovered the pattern was established in his university days, when he was trying to fit it. His inner mind was trying to make it easier for him to establish friendships. Now he is a mature adult, that need is no longer necessary. Understanding this inner drive allowed his to release that need. His urge to drink has disappeared and he is enjoying a newfound energy and enthusiasm for life.

  • Client B wanted to go to the gym but was unable to motivate himself. He thought it was laziness. It turned out his inner mind was trying to protect him from the 'danger' of social interactions at the gym, following a painful relationship breakdown. Once he acknowledged this and his inner mind agreed, the motivation returned  As an added bonus after the session, B generally felt more confident and comfortable in his conversations with others. Sometimes the results of parts therapy can generalise into other areas of life, providing additional unforeseen benefits.

  • Client C used to be a professional high-flyer with a busy life. She had lost confidence as a result of covid, redundancy and the menopause. She no longer felt comfortable working away from home, attending on-site meetings or even travelling into the city. This was seriously impacting her job and life. She thought it was a mid-life loss in confidence and was full of reproach and disappointment in herself. It turned out her inner mind loved the silence she felt in her new peaceful house so much, that it was simply protecting her from all of the 'noise out there'. Once she learnt this, Client C figured out ways to 'take the silence with her' when she travelled. Anchoring in new positive associations around travel and work opportunities, opened up C's mind to the wonderful possibilities of future travel for work and pleasure. She is currently planning future travels and no longer feels restricted to remote working only.   


These real-life client examples show that often you may be wrong in what you think are the causes of your issue. Your efforts to change may have failed previously because you were trying to fix the wrong cause. Only when you connect with your subconscious, can you identify the real underlying cause. Once you do that, change is easy and rapid. Transforming the mind is now easier than we ever through possible.  


How does it work?

Most issues require 2-4 sessions. In your first introduction session, we will discuss your issue, followed by a wonderful, deep hypnotic relaxation. This insightful, yet relaxing session, is designed to prepare you for the follow up parts therapy session. You will always go deeper into the experience on your second session. Some issues may get fully resolved in that one follow up session. Other issues may require a further 1-2 sessions. You determine how many further sessions you need, by how complete the resolution feels to you.  


We only deal with one key issue at a time. If you have additional issues you want to address, you are welcome to return 3+ months later to work on those. Many clients initially only intend to work on their one major issue. Once they experience the benefits, they return back 3-12 months later to work through additional issues.


Sessions are available in-person in Clare, Suffolk, UK and virtually on Zoom, with availability to suit global time zones. Each session is unique and thus session lengths can vary. If a session is particularly rapid, it will be extended with more extensive future visioning or guided relaxation. Please allow for a maximum of 2 hours. 


Please note that I only work with motivated clients, who are committed to achieving real change in their lives.


Optional Extra - Future Life Progression

Should you choose, an additional 30-min 1+ and 5+ year ahead Future Life Progression can be added onto your session. Once you have reached an agreement with your inner mind, you will be taken forward 5 years to see and feel what is happening in your life, job, relationships or health etc. You can then come back to see where you are in 1 years time and the actions you took to get you there. You will meet with your future self and get to share a deep sense of their wisdom, experience, thinking and energy. This can be a fantastic way to very deeply embed the changes you have made in the session and to connect with the future you. Having a very real, vivid, felt experience of the future makes it seem much more achievable. You've already felt what it will be like and that can be immensely motivating 


Parts Therapy works perfectly well without it. But if you are looking at a significant issue such as why you might be blocking yourself from your optimal life, career, health, relationship or financial situation etc, then you may wish to consider this add on.    


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