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Unresolved Past Grief

For departed loved ones, both people & pets
Zoom & in-person
Duration: 1 - 2 hrs
Goodbyes are only for those who live with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation..”
Rumi, 13th Century poet


What is unresolved past grief therapy?

Within the ultra-real experience of a state of hypnosis, unresolved past grief is a unique opportunity to 'meet' a loved one who has passed over. Being able to vividly imagine hugging, touching, smelling, hearing and of course speaking to them can help release a degree of unresolved grief. Having the opportunity to discuss with your departed loved one, anything unsettled or unsaid, can go some way to helping you deal with your loss and bring you some comfort.  


How will it benefit me?

Unresolved past grief sessions can be immensely helpful if you never got to say goodbye properly, if things were left unsaid, or you just want that final opportunity to 'talk' to your loved ones once again. Using the power of your imagination, you can receive some degree of release, which can cathartic.​


How does it work?

After an initial guided relaxation, you will be guided into a state of hypnosis in order to 'meet' you loved one.  You will probably 'see' them when they were healthy and well. You can then connect with and communicate to them within your inner mind. Pre-arranged questions can then be asked on your behalf and you will hear the responses that your loved one gives. In the case of a pet or young child, you will likely get a sense of their responses, with the answers just popping into your mind. You will received some words of wisdom from either your loved one or your higher self, to support and guide you at this time. The session concludes with a relaxing guided visualisation, followed by a debrief conversation afterwards.  


The session is 1-1.5 hours. This is an intense session so the amount of time spent with your loved one is likely to be 30-45 mins.


In most cases you will need 2 sessions. In your first introduction session, we will discuss your situation, followed by a wonderful, deep hypnotic relaxation. This insightful, yet relaxing session, is designed to prepare you for the follow up unresolved past grief session. 


Sessions are available in-person in Clare, Suffolk, UK and virtually on Zoom, with availability to suit global time zones. Each session is unique and thus session lengths can vary. Please allow for a maximum of 2 hours. 

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