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Test Event: Joy Workshop

Fri, 31 Jan



A lovely nurturing visualization session to remind yourself of the feelings of joy that may have become elusive, during times of stress or struggle.

Test Event: Joy Workshop
Test Event: Joy Workshop

Time & location

31 Jan 2025, 19:00 – 21:00 GMT


About the workshop

  • Redirect feelings towards positive states such as joy, gratitude, awe & wonder

  • Reorient the goal-seeking part of your brain to include the seeking out of joy and simple pleasures

  • Unique, small-group guided visualization workshop. Just close your eyes

Has life been so challenging, for so long, that all you do now is automatically look for the next problem to be solved? Is most of your daily focus directed towards your difficulties? When was the last time you felt genuine simple joy?

For many of us, life brings wave upon wave of daily challenge. So much in fact, that perhaps it feels that we are constantly being swept about in a sea of drama, stress or challenge. To get out of that rut we need to firstly calm down the mind and help it feel safe and then give it a new goal to seek; that of joy. You can think of this session as like eating fish and chips, on a pier, above a rough sea. All of the drama is still happened around you and you are aware of it, but somehow you are above it all, feeling safety, joy and simple pleasure instead. In this session, we’ll pause the anxious mind and reconnect with the feeling of joy, to encourage the mind to include positive states to seek out for also.


  • Effortless way to reconnect with the feelings and experience of joy

  • Utilizes various visualization techniques and the power of your imagination to reorient your mind’s goal seeking towards joyful experiences

  • Recommended for those feeling flat and jaded

This small-group workshop is a simple pause and wakeup, if joy has become elusive in your life. Perhaps you are aware that you feel as empty as a flat cushion? In which case this session is a simple shake and plump! Or perhaps you have so many issues in your life that you don’t know where to begin in order to fix them. In which case this session can act like a scaffold, just building a little structure of greater positivity, offering more inherent support, from which to address your issues. This session is not forced fun or fake positivity. It’s simply going inside and reconnecting with your own simple feelings of joy.

All you need do is imagine along with the visualization. Whilst this session won’t solve your challenges, perhaps with more of a sense of lightness and brightness afterwards, they might be easier to face.

How it Works

  • Group size (1-12)

  • Session length: approx 2-hrs

  • Evening zoom sessions to minimise work disruption

After introductions and a brief discussion, you’ll be gently guided through a variety of imaginary situations, with the aim of increasing positive feelings. All you need to do is to imagine along to the instructions given, in a quiet and undisturbed place where you can safety relax. Knowing that you are doing this activity within a small group of like-minded people can be comforting to some.

Most participants are easily able to focus along with the guided visualization for the duration. Listening to the prework guided relaxation audio files beforehand can help prepare your brain to relax, let go and more easily focus inwardly. Think of it as brain training. We will conclude with a brief group check-in and next steps.

Suitable For

NOT Suitable for



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